Unpacking the Live Shopping Phenomenon: A Deep Dive into McKinsey’s ‘Ready for Prime Time? The State of Live Commerce

Carrie Z.
4 min readAug 25, 2023


report link: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/growth-marketing-and-sales/our-insights/ready-for-prime-time-the-state-of-live-commerce#/

The Rise and Buzz of Live Shopping

So, back in 2016, Alibaba’s Taobao Live introduced this cool thing called live commerce. Imagine shopping while watching a live video where you can chat with the host and buy stuff on the spot. It’s like shopping on steroids with a dash of entertainment!

Now, China totally jumped on this trend. In no time, it became the go-to way to shop for a whopping 57% of Chinese users. They’ve been at it for over three years, showing just how much they’re loving it.

But let’s talk about the rest of the world. Places like Europe, Latin America, and the US? They’re just getting the hang of it. Only about 5–7% of folks in these regions have been live shopping for three years. But here’s the kicker: there’s been a massive wave of newbies in the past year. We’re talking 78% new users in the US and 82% in Europe. That’s a lot of people suddenly wanting in on the action!

What’s Hot in Live Shopping?

Alright, let’s dive into what people are actually buying when they’re tuning into these live shopping sessions. It’s kinda like peeking into someone’s shopping cart, but on a global scale!

Over in China, groceries are the big winner. Yep, you heard that right! While most of us are thinking fashion or gadgets, the Chinese are stocking up their fridges and pantries. Maybe it’s the convenience or just the thrill of getting fresh produce while lounging at home. COVID-19 might’ve played a part in this trend too, making folks more keen on getting their essentials without stepping out.

Now, for our pals in Europe, the US, and Latin America, it’s all about the fashion. Clothing is the top pick. Maybe it’s the live try-ons, the style tips, or just the sheer joy of snagging that trendy piece before it’s gone.

But here’s a twist: there are some things that just aren’t making the cut. Insurance and experiences like travel and local events? Not so popular in the live shopping world. And in China, big-ticket items like furniture or those hefty appliances aren’t getting much love either.

So, …While live shopping is a global phenomenon, what’s flying off the virtual shelves varies from one place to another. It’s a mix of local culture, needs, and a sprinkle of global trends. Happy shopping, everyone! 🛒🎥👗🍎

The Bumps on the Live Shopping Road

Okay, so live shopping is all the rage, but it ain’t all smooth sailing. Every cool trend has its hiccups, and this one’s no exception. Let’s spill the tea on what’s holding back the live shopping world from total domination.

First up, some users are giving the side-eye to the content. They’re like, “Been there, seen that.” Yep, content staleness is a real buzzkill. Plus, not everyone’s a night owl or an early bird, so those inconvenient show times? Big no-no for some folks.

Then there’s the whole value-for-money debate. Some peeps are scratching their heads, wondering if they’re really getting a bang for their buck. And don’t even get me started on the limited product availability. Imagine tuning in, falling in love with a product, and then — bam! — it’s out of stock. Major bummer, right?

Now, China’s got its own set of gripes. The main beef? A lack of product or brand variety. Shoppers there are on the hunt for more options. And sometimes, they’re finding better deals elsewhere, making them think twice before splurging on a live shopping spree.

while live shopping is lighting up the online world, there are a few speed bumps on the road. But hey, every trend has its challenges, and with a bit of tweaking, this shopping party can keep on rocking!

Who’s Watching? (Demographics) So, who’s really getting into this live shopping groove? Let’s break it down. The average age of the live shopping squad globally is between 33–36 years. In China, it’s mostly the ladies leading the charge with 58% female users. But plot twist: in the US, Latin America, and Europe, the gents are taking the lead. We’ve got 59% male users in the US, 58% in Latin America, and 53% in Europe. So, it’s not just a one-gender show; everyone’s getting in on the action!

Where’s the Party At? (Platforms and Engagement) Alright, where are folks tuning in? In China, Douyin is the hot spot with a whopping 88% of users, followed by Taobao Live at 61%. It’s like the VIP club of live shopping over there. But in Latin America, the US, and Europe, it’s a mixed bag. People are hopping onto Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and even Amazon to catch their favorite live shopping events. It’s like channel surfing, but for shopping!



Carrie Z.

I’m a full-stack Product Manager, an innovator, a wife, and a problem solver. Don’t come to me with a solution. Let’s figure out the right answer together.