Smart Minds Together
4 min readDec 1, 2023
Taming the Pitiless Inner Critic: 5 Tips to Help You Take Control

Taming the Pitiless Inner Critic: 5 Tips to Help You Take Control

Taming the Pitiless Inner Critic: 5 Tips to Help You Take Control

Welcome to our blog, where we provide high-quality informational and educational content for you to enjoy. Today, we dive into the topic of taming your inner critic — that relentless voice inside your head that constantly judges and criticizes your every move. We will explore five powerful tips that can help you take control over this pitiless inner critic and reclaim your self-worth. Let’s get started!

1. Recognize the Voice

The first step in taming your inner critic is to recognize its presence. Often, the inner critic operates on autopilot, whispering negative thoughts without us even realizing it. Start paying attention to the voice in your head. Notice when it arises and how it makes you feel. By becoming aware of its existence, you can begin to separate yourself from its influence.

For example, let’s say you’re working on a project at work, and your inner critic tells you that you’re not skilled enough to complete it successfully. Instead of blindly accepting this criticism, take a moment to acknowledge the voice and question its validity. Ask yourself if there is any evidence to support this claim or if it’s merely a product of self-doubt.

Example: Sarah’s inner critic often tells her that she’s not creative enough to pursue a career in art. However, Sarah reminds herself of the numerous positive feedback she has received from friends and family regarding her artistic abilities. By recognizing the voice and challenging its accuracy, Sarah is taking a significant step towards taming her inner critic.

2. Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is a powerful tool in silencing your inner critic. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a close friend who is struggling. When the voice of self-criticism arises, counteract it with self-compassionate thoughts.

For instance, if your inner critic tells you that you’re not attractive enough, respond with self-compassion by reminding yourself of your unique qualities and strengths. Acknowledge that beauty comes in many forms and that you possess inherent worth beyond physical appearance.

Example: John’s inner critic often berates him for making mistakes at work. Instead of succumbing to self-blame, John practices self-compassion by reminding himself that everyone makes mistakes, and they are opportunities for growth and learning. This shift in mindset allows John to approach his work with greater confidence and resilience.

3. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Challenge the negative thoughts propagated by your inner critic. Often, these thoughts are distorted and exaggerated, fueling self-doubt and undermining your self-esteem. Take a moment to examine the evidence supporting these thoughts and consider alternative perspectives.

For example, if your inner critic tells you that you’ll never find love because you’re unworthy, challenge this thought by recalling instances where you have been loved and valued by others. Remind yourself that your self-worth is not determined by external validation alone.

Example: Lisa’s inner critic constantly reminds her of a past failure, making her doubt her ability to succeed in new endeavors. To challenge this thought, Lisa creates a list of her past accomplishments and realizes that failure is not a reflection of her overall potential. By doing so, she gains the confidence to pursue her goals without being hindered by self-doubt.

4. Surround Yourself with Positivity

The environment we expose ourselves to plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and beliefs. Surround yourself with positive influences that uplift and inspire you. Seek out supportive relationships, read motivational books, listen to uplifting podcasts, or engage in activities that bring you joy.

By surrounding yourself with positivity, you create a shield against the relentless attacks of your inner critic. The more you immerse yourself in an encouraging atmosphere, the easier it becomes to counteract negative self-talk and cultivate a healthier mindset.

Example: Michael, who struggles with low self-esteem due to his inner critic, decides to join a support group where he can share his experiences with like-minded individuals. Through meaningful conversations and mutual support, Michael discovers that he is not alone in his struggle and gains valuable insights on how to tame his inner critic.

5. Practice Self-Affirmations

Self-affirmations are positive statements that help replace negative self-talk with empowering beliefs. Incorporate self-affirmations into your daily routine by repeating them aloud or writing them down. Choose affirmations that address specific areas where your inner critic tends to attack.

For instance, if your inner critic frequently undermines your abilities at work, develop an affirmation such as “I am competent and capable of handling any professional challenges that come my way.” Repeat this affirmation regularly, especially when faced with situations that trigger self-doubt.

Example: Emma struggles with body image issues due to her inner critic’s constant scrutiny. To counteract this, she creates a self-affirmation stating, “I am beautiful and worthy of love and acceptance just as I am.” By repeating this affirmation daily, Emma gradually starts to appreciate her unique beauty and value beyond societal standards.


Taming your pitiless inner critic is a journey that requires patience, self-awareness, and consistent effort. By recognizing the voice, practicing self-compassion, challenging negative thoughts, surrounding yourself with positivity, and utilizing self-affirmations, you can take control over your inner critic and cultivate a kinder, more empowering relationship with yourself.

Remember, change takes time, so be gentle with yourself throughout this process. Celebrate every small victory along the way, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself living with greater self-acceptance and inner peace.

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