October Crowdfunding Update

Smart Armor
3 min readOct 20, 2017


Hello backers, without further ado… Smart Cube is finally in final production on a mass scale!

To give a little insight, as I’m sure you’ve been seeing the monthly updates for the past 9 months…

There are over 60 moving parts that comprise the mechanical operation of the Smart Cube. There are multiple external factors that we have to account for, when it comes to testing external applications, mounting, etc. In addition to exasperating testing measures, some of these parts have taken up to 8 testing iterations, per unique part.

Needless to say, this has been an unbelievably phenomenal and challenging task to build, test, and (what we like to think) perfect the V1 of the Smart Cube product.

That said, 1st final production parts are scheduled to come of the line in approximately 20 days, where we will have our lead product engineer on site to verify all part. It is at this point, that we will punch out the mass quantity order to fulfill all of your orders!

To give insight as to the final testing iterations, the following is everything that was required for the final “clear to run”:

1. Smart Armor app: Live in the Apple Store

2. Triple Encrypted Software finalization: BLE long term pairing is tied to the initial setup and ownership of a cube by a user (Think Master/Slave) This allows cubes to setup a secure relationship with an owner from the beginning and for the duration of use.

AES 128 encryption provides encryption of the command channel to prevent hackers from sniffing the communication traffic.

Proprietary SA command encryption provides a third layer of safety which allows only the Smart Armor app to issue commands and gather information from Smart Cubes.

**The reason for all of these is increased security to prevent tampering and unauthorized use of Smart Cubes.

3. 0118036–01 REV04 — Alignment Collar: Added cantilever beams with bump detents to hold Pin at specific offset distances. Also tightened internal tolerance to Pin in order to better keep the Pin concentric to the Cube.

4. 0118073–01 REV08 — Door: Added location for screw and extra finger for improved door constraint. Changed surface finish for better aesthetic.

5. 0118089–01 REV08 — Shell: Updated geometry to accommodate new Door screw. Changed surface finish for better aesthetic.

6. 0118105–01 REV04 — Light Trim: Updated geometry for better transition of aesthetic surfaces where it meets the Shell.

7. 0118113–01 REV08 — Pin: Updated design to increase break strength and prevent pullout during large vibration/tension conditions.

8. 0118102–01 REV07 — Base: Update to accommodate new Door screw and cover gap at bottom of Cube

9. 0118112–01 REV04 — Lock: Update geometry to optimize Cam angle of attack in all Cam positions.

10. 0118074–01 REV09 — Door Contact: Update to add third heat stake location and thicken thin section while accommodating new coil spring positive contact.

11. 0118123–01 REV05 — Wiper Spring: Update geometry to accommodate tolerance stack in current production parts and reduce friction.

12. 0118157–01 REV01 — Negative contact spring: New part that replaces leaf spring in order to better constrain battery during large impact conditions.

13. 0118158–01 REV02 — Positive contact spring: New part that replaces leaf spring in order to better retain electrical contact during large impact conditions.

Below are images of the final CAD drawings for the design going into production.

As always, we are so grateful for the thousands that have stuck by our side and supported us. The next update will come with firm dates as to when you should receive your orders.

-Team Smart Armor



Smart Armor

Smart Armor is a Bluetooth enabled micro-locking security platform. Our Smart Cube is the first Bluetooth, portable locking device for home and office.