Introducing SmartCube: Complete ecosystem for smart contracts

3 min readSep 12, 2018


We, at SmartCube, have a singular aim: make smart contract deployment in blockchain as simple as a click.

We give developers, CEOs, CTOs a powerful suite of tools to build great products. Actually, deploying contracts is painful due to complex configuration, blockchain history synchronization and over all of this, you have no concrete informations on what’s happening. We automate all of this.

We are not just an idea or a whitepaper, we are a functional platform looking for it’s first early users.

What are the problems with smart contract deployments that we solve?

Actually, developing then deploying a smart contract, no matter the blockchain is a long and fastidious task.

No one want to spend hours configuring, dealing with errors or out-of-gas.

Moreover, every developer like to have powerful metrics, complete integration and love to be informed on his code.

We built SmartCube with the idea that each pain point can be solved.

Here are our features.


When you start developing contracts, you face a first problem. Configuring your development and test environments. Installing the software suite, setting networks, gas price etc… It’s fifty-fifty chance to get it working soon, otherwise you spend days on it, even before starting development.

We automate it. We provide staging with unlimited test units and production with permissive contract configuration.


When comes the time to deploy your smart contract, for example with Ethereum you can use Remix, Mist or Truffle. If you spent days on the configuration, then it’s working and you will deploy. But you have no overall management view. And you don’t know anything what happened.

If something is broken, you can’t rollback. We can.

We automate it. Just push or use our web interface, we take care of the rest.


Once your contract is deployed, you have different possibilities to interact with it. Templated contracts like ERC20, ERC721 etc… all implements the same features.

We automate it. We provide interfaces to easily interact with your contract. Mint, transfer or approve. Do what you want.


Currently, the only way to have metrics over a deployed contract is blockchain explorers. What a nice interface, if it’s not overloaded during ICOs etc..

We automate it. We collect real-time informations about your contracts transactions using our private blockchain nodes and we aggregate it. Reports over failed transactions, daily usage reports, amounts prediction etc…

Naming services

At each contract deployment, if the blockchain allows it, we attribute a subdomain of our own to your contract. Resolvers are automatically set up and you can use it real time to interact with your code!

Security & Code quality

Each contract deployed is analyzed by our tool before deployment and we provide a complete code quality audit (Like expensive operations or lack of protections). Then you can just choose to overdeploy or rework before.

Our motivation

We are a team of 6, graduated from top level engineering and commerce schools, we spent the last three years in interesting in blockchain solutions.

We did mining then we got interested in mining pools.

We did trading then we got interested in exchange platforms.

We did development then we got problems and finally, SmartCube idea.

We worked in big infrastructures companies, datacenter, security firms and launched 3 companies.

Blockchain is just starting, usages are becoming more and more visible, we want to be part of that world by building the next product every blockchain developer will use.

SmartCube platform

Our first platform version is incoming, only for registered alpha testers and strategic partners.

Be prepared for the product before the end of the year!

Register here !

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