Blink Armed Vs Disarmed: Choosing the Right Mode for Your Home

4 min readAug 7, 2023


Blink armed vs disarmed

You can keep your house safe with Blink cameras. But you may wonder about Blink Armed vs Disarmed modes — which one is better, right?

In this article, I will share my experience using these cameras. So join me to discover when to activate each mode for maximum security!

What Is The Difference Between Blink Armed Vs Disarmed?

“Armed” on a Blink camera means it can actively look for movements around it.

This feature also lets the camera record video clips when it detects motion and sends them to your phone.

On the other hand, Disarmed means your camera’s recording and motion detection features are not working. Thus, the camera won’t send alerts and record clips.

You can set your Blink camera to Armed or Disarmed mode. I like to switch between them because each mode offers specific benefits.

Motion Detection

In Armed mode, motion detection is active. Thus, the camera can watch for movements. And if it detects any motion, it will start recording a video clip automatically.

However, in Disarmed mode, the motion detection doesn’t work. Thus, your camera won’t respond to any movement.

Video Recording

When the Armed camera senses motion, it can record a video clip of what causes the motion. But if you set your Blink camera to the Disarmed mode, video recording is disabled.

Motion Detection Alerts

Motion detection alerts are notifications sent to your phone when the Blink camera detects motion.

If your camera is in Armed mode, you can receive notifications about potential activity around your property.

On the other hand, the Disarmed mode doesn’t allow for any motion detection. Thus, you won’t get any notifications.

Live View

Live view is a feature that allows you to see real-time video from your Blink camera on your phone.

Luckily, you can access this feature in the Armed and Disarmed modes. They let you check what’s happening around your home at any time.

Battery Life

I also notice that when my Blink camera is in Armed mode, it uses more battery because it’s always working.

So when I want my camera to rest a little bit, I turn it to the Disarmed mode.

Pros And Cons Of Blink Armed And Disarmed

Both modes have pros and cons. Hence, you should check two sides of each option.

Blink Armed Mode


  • The Armed mode monitors for motion and records video clips when it spots any movement. Thus, you can have an extra layer of security for your home.
  • You can also receive instant notifications on your phone when the camera detects motion.


  • Unfortunately, constantly monitoring and recording videos can lead to faster battery consumption.

Blink Disarmed Mode:


  • Disarmed mode turns off motion detection and recording. Hence, the battery can last longer.
  • Disarming the Blink camera prevents it from sending you unwanted alerts.


  • The camera in Disarmed mode can’t detect or record any motion, leading to a lower security level.
  • Without motion detection alerts, you can’t be aware of any suspicious behaviors around your property.

How To Arm a Blink Camera?

You need Sync Modules to set up your Blink camera. The Sync Module is like a control hub that talks to Blink cameras. Once connected to Wi-Fi, it can handle up to ten Blink devices.

Here are some steps to arm your Blink camera:

  • Access the Blink app on your device (phone or tablet).
  • Sign into your account.
  • When logged in, choose the “Sync Module” linked with the Blink camera you intend to arm.
  • Find a toggle switch at the bottom. This switch enables you to switch between the Disarmed and Armed models.
  • The Blink camera runs in Disarmed mode by default. So if you want to arm it, tap on the toggle switch.
  • Then, the chosen camera can detect motion, record videos, and send notifications to your phone.

Disarming the camera is easy, too. You just need to follow the steps above. And when you tap on the toggle, it can change from “Armed” to “Disarmed”.

Should Blink Cameras Be Armed or Disarmed?

Whether to arm or disarm your Blink cameras depends on your specific security needs. Here are my recommendations for when to use each mode:

Armed mode

First, arm your Blink camera when you leave home for a long time, such as traveling or having business trips.

This mode ensures your camera can actively monitor suspicious activities while you’re away.

Another case when you want to set up this mode is an event that needs a high-security level.

For example, you may host a party at your home. So, the camera can help keep an eye on your guests’ valuable belongings.

You can also turn on Armed mode during the night when you are sleeping. In this manner, your Blink camera can act as a guardian to watch for intruders.

Disarmed mode

On the other hand, if you and your family are at home, the camera can rest.

So, you won’t receive annoying notifications while you can still watch your house on your own.

Besides, you may want to maintain the battery life of your camera. The best solution here is to disarm it.

Consider when to arm and disarm your camera

Consider when to arm and disarm your camera


It would be best to use Armed mode when you want security monitoring and recording.

On the other hand, activate Disarmed mode on your Blink camera when you are at home and don’t need motion detection.

By learning when to use each mode, you can decide the security level of your home.

Then, you will be confident whether you’re at home or away. Thank you for reading!

Originally published at on August 5, 2023.




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