Rest Your Dilemma Of Why And Why Nots Of Nursing Homes

Smart Healthy
4 min readJan 13, 2023


If you have aging parents, it’s probably veritably important to you that they receive the best practicable care.

Home care versus nursing home: which is right for my parents?

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of putting senior parents in nursing homes, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of home care for the senior.

PROS of Nursing Homes

Nursing homes are staffed with medical professionals around the clock. This means if your loved one requires 24/7 medical help, they ’ll invariably get the attention they need. The staff at nursing homes can fulfill both medical and non-medical duties.

Another asset of nursing homes is that they tend to be relatively secure.

However, this can ensure that they stay safe, If your parents have dementia or Alzheimer’s complaint and tend to wander. At a nursing home, your senior parents will have gregarious openings they might not else have.

Girdled by peers in the same age group, some residents find it nice to have people their age to talk to. It’s common for people to feel more and more insulated as they get aged, so this is a plus.

Indeed with minor home variations, abiding alone can be veritably unsafe for seniors. Nursing homes extend a completely safe terrain with grab bars, emergency call boxes, duly performing smoke sensors and other security equipment.

Round- the- time supervision also helps aid against injuries, financial scurrility, and other manners of fraud, which seniors are especially liable to when abiding singly.

Away from boredom, one of the primary emotional burdens of living alone is loneliness. Moreover, seniors who reside with family are frequently removed from regular socialization with their peers.

Nursing homes are jam- packed with fun, systematized events to encourage a robust social network, and sharing in similar activities has been proven to stave off depression in aged grown-ups and extend other common health advantages as well.

So, if your loved one is fiercely independent in their own home, hardly anyone would discomfit at the eidolon of no way having to scrub a restroom again.

Nursing home staff takes care of all cleaning duties and laundry services precisely like at a hotel, leaving seniors free to charge their time with activities, social experiences, and recreation.

CONS of Nursing Homes

Living in a nursing home is incredibly expensive particularly for high-quality institutions. The costs of nursing homes can be financially crippling indeed for families that are fairly comfortable.

In 2018, the average cost of a private room was$,365, amounting to further than$100,000 per time.

Nursing homes are also problematic because they don’t allow individuals as much independence as living at home. This can lead to your senior parents feeling old and helpless.

There are frequently fairly rigid schedules at nursing homes, and if it might be disagreeable for individualities to have to conform to this.

Another implicit con of nursing homes is the possibility of poor care. There have been a number of terrible stories from nursing homes over the times including abuse and neglect.

While there are numerous above- board institutions that give good care, it’s important to do your exploration ahead of time.

Aged grown-ups are oriented to their own routines and it can be hard for them to acclimate to a new schedule in a nursing home.

For illustration, they can no longer choose what they want to eat when they’re hungry. Rather, they’re served a set menu at specific times throughout the day.

While a nursing home schedule might be salutary to your loved one’s overall health, the loss of freedom and independence can beget them to lose tone- regard as they’re no longer in control of their own life.

Moving out a loved one from the familiarity and comfort of the only home they’ve known for times can make them depressed.

Away from being a huge change, numerous seniors sweat moving into a nursing home because they see it as a final step before the end of their life.

This is generally true, since they generally don’t return to their own home. Living in a nursing home can lead to passions of loneliness and insulation, a primary cause of poor health among aged grown-ups.

And for seniors with dementia, removing them from familiar surroundings has been shown to affect in brisk cognitive decline.


Thus, The home care vs nursing home question is one only you and your family can answer. Elderly care is a decision that’s specific to each family.

That being said, while there are benefits of living in a nursing home, for numerous families the negative outweighs the positive.

Home care allows senior individuals to admit the care they need without making any drastic changes to their everyday lives.



Smart Healthy

My Name’s John and I am a Health Consultant and I talk about Wellness, Aging and post retirement life.