Facebook at work

Using Facebook for internal communications

Santiago Martinez
2 min readJun 26, 2014


Via Techcrunch and according to an anonymous source inside Facebook, the company is working on a way to put the social network into a more positive light in the office. It is building an at-work version of Facebook, refers it as “FB@Work”.

In my company, all people use Facebook but for informal basis and not for internal or formal communications.

A Facebook for the company solutions already exist and we use it, for us is Slack but there are other world class products like Yammer or HipChat. The thing is, for real collaboration you need more than just a place to chat with your co-workers.

This is what you get with Slack — a beautiful tool for gets everyone pushing together in the same direction—, i think and is obviously that the biggest challenge for Facebook lies in its brand, its strongly associated with social (and time consuming) and less about work.

If you put skepticism aside, is very interesting, if FB@Work its true, because it’s imposible not to see there are obvious opportunities if Facebook point efforts in this direction. (with over 1 billion users)

Do you use Facebook for team co-working? or in the other hand, what tool do you use? (Yammer, Slack, HipChat, Glip)



Santiago Martinez

Co-founder and Director at CUOMA.COM | Professor at Universidad de Belgrano | Founder and Director at INCUBICA.COM