SmartMesh Biweekly Report (2021.01.30–2021.02.12)

6 min readFeb 22, 2021


This biweekly report release coincides with the Chinese New Year holiday. On this special day, SmartMesh team members would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous year.

This week, Professor David Lee officially joined the SmartMesh Foundation and the MeshBox Foundation as a shareholder and director. This is a milestone for SmartMesh Foundation and its ecosystem projects, marking a new development stage. Before this, Professor Lee had only served as director and shareholder for internationally renowned companies, and not for any startup companies. This shows the important perception of SmartMesh and MeshBox Foundation’s inclusive communication and inclusive finance missions in his mind.

Mr. Henry Wang, the founder of SmartMesh, delivered a New Year greeting to the community proposal committee. On February 7, 2021, Mr. Henry Wang joined the SmartMesh community proposal committee as the 500th member and delivered a New Year speech.

The following is the specific work in the past two weeks:

The specific work is as follows:

1. Photon optimization related work.

1.1 Continued to analyze the liquidity design of the Photon channel activated through the DeFi platform, discussed the feasibility of the node channel supporting cross-chain DeFi and related technologies. Provided technical support for the subsequent expansion of Layer2 DeFi.

1.2 Analyzed the SmartMesh ecosystem IoT Photon payment network. Discussed the realization of data payment transfer between IoT devices through the Photon Network and introducing data authorization, providing a reference for the subsequent expansion of Photon application scenarios.

The specific work is as follows:

1. Atmosphere interoperability and preparations for JED Trade cooperation projects.

1.1 Analyzed the distributed notary backtracking mechanism. Discussed the backtracking feedback and emergency handling design in the case of inconsistent NFT cross-chain data that may be caused by the blockchain rollback. Prepared plans for subsequent notaries to enhance the reliability of the NFT cross-chain.

1.2 Continued with functional integration with the JED Trade cooperation project, cross-chain adaptability modifications and feedback on the NFT contract function. Completed the deployment and debugging of the contract on Ethereum test chain and Spectrum test chain. Provided support for project interoperability cooperation development.

1.3 Initially completed the development of the PO business control process of the NFT cross-chain solution, correctly verify the PO cross-chain and the automatic monitoring process of the notary. Provided support for the subsequent NFT cross-chain of DO and INV business data.

The specific work is as follows:

1. According to the nodes project roadmap, carried out related planning and design of secondary products.

2. Cooperated with market operators in discussing and sorting out relevant information such as the preliminary draft of the proposal committee system, and considered the possibility of implementing future products.

The market and business activities of the SmartMesh project were intense, but carried out in an orderly manner, as follows:

  1. This week, Professor David Lee officially joined the SmartMesh Foundation and the MeshBox Foundation as a shareholder and director. This is a milestone for SmartMesh Foundation and its ecosystem projects, marking a new development stage. Before this, Professor Lee had only served as director and shareholder for internationally renowned companies, and not for any startup companies. This shows the important perception of SmartMesh and MeshBox Foundation’s inclusive communication and inclusive finance missions in his mind.

As the vice chairman of the Economic Society of Singapore and a consultant of the Asian Development Bank, Professor Lee has repeatedly mentioned the SmartMesh project and the MeshBox project in his important speeches, citing them as important cases of digital financial infrastructure.

2. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, SmartMesh CEO Henry, consultant Peter and Philippine partners held a preparatory meeting on the deployment of MeshBoxes to a rural bank in the Philippines. Although the epidemic still looms over the Philippines, it will not stop SmartMesh and MeshBox’s original deployment plan. The epidemic has made the Internet more of a necessity, and the rapid development of Satellite Internet has also provided the necessary conditions for SmartMesh’s inclusive communication deployment.

3. Mr. Henry Wang, the founder of SmartMesh, delivered a New Year greeting to the community proposal committee. On February 7, 2021, Mr. Henry Wang joined the SmartMesh community proposal committee as the 500th member and delivered a New Year speech.

The speech affirmed the high consensus between the community members and the project party, thanked the community members for their continuous support in the past three years, and looked forward to the project’s future development.

Dogecoin, which has little value but enjoys a high degree of consensus between retail investors, has become the one of the top ten cryptocurrencies. SMT can bring value for our society. If we can achieve a healthy community consensus, SMT may also occupy a similar position on the cryptocurrency rankings.

Speech by Mr. Henry Wang at 23:00 on February 7, 2021

Thank you very much to all the community members for supporting SMT. This is the third year for SmartMesh project, we have been through bulls and bears, and experienced a pandemic. Thank you for your perseverance. 2021 is the year SMT will be fully deployed in the emerging markets and create an Internet of Value! I am incredibly happy to tell everyone that Professor David Lee has become a shareholder of SmartMesh and entered the board of directors. This is the first time Professor Lee served as a director and shareholder for a startup company. Previously, he has only served as director and shareholder for internationally renowned companies.

This is the perception of SmartMesh in Professor Lee’s and my minds. Professor Lee defined the peer-to-peer communication network as the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution.

This year, we will work hard with the project team and the community to deploy the products and technologies we developed in the past three years to emerging markets, to help Asia build digital financial infrastructures, make SMT a widely circulated token with applications, and develop our community around the world, linking all mankind!

Musk has Dogecoin, we have SMT! Dogecoin represents the power of consensus, and Musk makes humans a multi-planetary species. SMT is the first token that can be used when both parties are offline, allowing humans to connect with tokens. Our community can make the most powerful consensus, and this consensus can span across time and space!

Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm, I continue to proceed without hesitation! Thank you for your support. Thanks to my colleagues in the marketing department for their diligence, let us work hard to witness the miracle we will create! In 2021–2031 we will link mankind with the Internet of Value! Thank you all!

The time mentioned in the article is Singapore time Learn about SmartMesh’s Biweekly updates, keep an eye on SmartMesh BiWeekly!




SmartMesh is a blockchain based underlying protocol of the Internet of Things.