2 min readApr 12, 2016

How to Fight Spam E-mails

E-mail is the short form of Electronic mail. Spam emails are also termed as unsolicited bulk email (UBE) or junk mail. These mails are subsets of electronic spam involving nearly similar mails sent to multiple recipients through email. The messages may contain camouflaged links that appear to be similar websites that are hosting malware. Spam definitions usually include executable file attachments or malware as scripts.

Growth of Email spam

A botnet is a number of internet connected computers operates with other similar machines in which components located on networked computers, coordinate their actions by command and passing message to one another. This system is used to send unwanted spam emails.

Legal standing of spam differs with different jurisdictions. One country declared spam is legal by providing certain message and adhering specifications. ISPs which are abbreviated as Internet Service Provider, is an organization that provides services for using and accessing internet. Internet service providers may be organized in different forms, such as privately managed or owned, community-owned or non-profit. Internet services are provided by ISP’s which also include domain name, Internet access, Internet transit and collocation.

Anti-spam techniques

Many follow innumerable anti spam practices to prevent email spam. Anti-spam techniques are differentiated into four categories and can be computerized by email administrators. Using a Spam Filtering Service also helps in identifying spam emails.

Spam reporting

Tracking down a spammer’s ISP and reporting the offense can lead to spammer’s service being criminal prosecution further leads to termination. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to identify and track down the spammer, while there are some online tools such as Spam cop to assist but being less accurate. Reporting spam this way is also not fruitful, since the spammers simply keep on changing their operation to another URL, ISP and network of IP addresses. Many countries allow consumers may also forward unwanted and deceptive commercial email to the higher authorities.

In many countries spamming is believed to be an illegal act subjecting the spammer to penalty but still in many countries spam mails do not face any jurisdiction as such.

Anti Spam Filters — Stop Making Excuses and Stop this Junk eMail

The connections with family, friends across the overseas and also official connections — everything is over the internet itself by means of email accounts. All that one need is to have an email account with which they can send and receive emails. Whether it is for the official communications with colleagues, new business vendors, customers or for the personal communication with friends and family, an email account helps this communication to be quick and instant. However, many a time you might have come across several emails in your inbox that are unwanted and unnecessary. They could read as winning a lottery, winning a free gift, a free travel tour to your favorite destination and more like free pills to increase stamina etc. While all of these emails are seriously unwanted, there is least that one can do to avoid these emails. This is where a good spam filter to filter out all the unnecessary emails comes into picture.