Smart Trip Platform
3 min readNov 7, 2018

Come with us to the city of Bronzes!

What are your plans for the end of the year? Come with us to the city of Bronzes!

Where is your point of interest for the end of the year?

Everyone likes to visit points of interests, we(Smart trip platform) just happen to like it more! As you already know, getting you the remarkable travel destination, experience and exposure has been our most pleasurable platform task as we always love to bring you travel arrangements that are nothing less than amazing!

The city of Bronzes!

Talking about points of interests, our mind sways to the great city of REGGIO CALABRIA; home to Unexplainable sights, is an historical city full of suspense and intriguing features that any tourist would greatly appreciate.

One distinguishing feature of this great city is its “Multi-nomial” characteristics over the centuries. Most recently, in the new millennium, it has come to be known as Reggio Calabria. Back to the 90’s and beyond, there have been names like; Recion, Erythrà, Rhégion, Febéa, Regium, Rhégium Julium, Rivàh, Risa, Regols, Regio, and Règgio di Calàbria under the most recent Italian unification.

Reggio is located on the “toe” of the Italian Peninsula and is separated from the island of Sicily by the Strait of Messina. It is situated on the slopes of the Aspromonte, a long, craggy mountain range that runs up through the centre of the region. The third economic centre of mainland Southern Italy, the city proper has a population of more than 200,000 inhabitants spread over 236 square kilometres (91 sq mi), while the fast-growing urban area numbers 260,000 inhabitants. About 560,000 people live in the metropolitan area, recognised in 2015 by Italian Republic as a metropolitan city.

As a major functional pole in the region, it has strong historical, cultural and economic ties with the city of Messina, which lies across the strait in Sicily, forming a metro city of less than 1 million people.

The view and “ some must visit places”

Reggio Calabria is a fascinating and captivating land mass of beautiful lakes, sea sides, islands, waterfalls, and streams. Its modernization has seen such developments that ranks up to the standard of most other European countries. Exotic hotels, resorts and tourists attractions are just a few of many comfort that the city promises its tourist. Trust us on this, during your stay there, if you fail to visit these mentioned places, you would want to go back to complete your adventure! The Castle, Cathedral, Cilea theatre and the Arena dello Stretto. There are also beautiful museums, archeological and natural sites to visit. Now, this is a destination worth celebrating the end of the year in!

Visit our Facebook page Telegram to find more details about our partners in Reggio Calabria.

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Smart Trip Platform

Smart Trip Platform - a blockchain-enabled ecosystem that connects travellers and travel service providers to create unforgettable trips.