Using Smart Trip Platform tokens — benefits all around

Smart Trip Platform
4 min readJun 8, 2018


Our token pre-sale is almost over: starting from June 10, we’ll take a two-week break before the main ICO round. So you still have the time until Sunday to purchase TASH tokens with a 12% discount! Once the main crowdsale round starts, the discount will go down every week.

So let’s say you’ve made the right choice and purchased some TASH. How can you benefit from holding our tokens?

Paying for your travels

The main purpose of TASH tokens is to be used as a means of payment on Smart Trip Platform. You’ll be able to book all sorts of travel services using our tokens:

- Accommodation

- Plane, train, and bus tickets

- Trekking, expeditions, and mountain climbs

- City tours, culture trips, and excursions

- Wildlife and birdwatching tours, photography tours, etc.

- Business trips and events organization

- Adventure sports activities

- Package tours and exclusive trips…

- … and much more!

Any and all parts of any trip can be paid for using TASH. However, we do realize that many travelers and travel businesses are not yet used to cryptocurrencies, so of course we’ll also integrate standard means of payment and gateways that most people are used to, such as paying with a credit card via Stripe.

If you have some TASH in your account but not enough to pay the whole deposit for a trip, it’s not a problem: we’ll make it possible to pay part of the price in crypto and part in fiat money!


If you are a travel business, then advertising tools offered by Smart Trip Platform will come as a delightful surprise. First of all, we’ll make ads very affordable. Second, the range of marketing options on the platform will be very wide. Here are only some of them:

1) Special offers and discounts published as Hot Deals

2) Banners placed in strategic points on the platform

3) Move your offer to the top of the search results list

4) Contact users directly with your offer — with targeted user search

5) Pin your offer at the top of a chatroom window

Our Hot Deal system is worth a special mention. If you are planning a special discount campaign or have just a few places left on a tour that is leaving soon, then it’s definitely worth spending a little bit of money to increase the visibility of your offer. Hot Deals will be displayed to travelers in a special module in the trip planner, and the actual Hot Deals shown will depend on the search criteria shown by the user.

Let’s say a couple of words about contacting users directly. Normally, a travel business will not be able to simply send private messages to random users — that would be spam. However, for a certain number of TASH tokens users will be able to purchase message packages — for example, 100 or 200 messages they can send to whomever they want.

Premium membership

While all basic features of Smart Trip Platform will be free, many business and even private users may choose one of our premium membership packages. For a business, a package can include better visibility, a certain number of private messages to send, several Hot Deals, access to business analytics, an unlimited number of service listings, etc. For private users, premium packages can be useful when building up an influencer status: increased loyalty and rating points, freedom to choose their own displayed status and signature, highlighting their messages in chatrooms, analytics tools (seeing how viewed their profile and pictures), and so on.

Holding tokens to increase reputation

TASH is a utility token, meaning that it’s intended for practical use on the platform. However, in order to motivate users to purchase and keep more TASH, we will also attach a special kind of influencer power to those participants who have a higher token stake. The exact parameters are still being worked out, but imagine it this way: let’s say that if you hold over $1000 in TASH on your account, the rating and loyalty points you receive are automatically increased by 10%. Or perhaps you get additional Hot Deal listings for free. Or a higher cash-back rate once our TripCard program is deployed. Many options can be worked out here, the point is that holding TASH gives you a higher standing in the community.

Save on your trips

We want to give our users to pay the way they like, but we also want to motivate them to use TASH. So we’ll make sure that paying for travel services with tokens will always give benefits compared to paying with a credit or debit card. The price of a hotel room or excursion in TASH will always be just a little bit lower, and the fee for a travel business will be lower, too. This way, both travelers and businesses will gain an advantage. Besides, the only way to earn a cash-back reward on purchases made with our TripCards will be to use tokens on your account.

Do you have any ideas on how TASH token holders can benefit? Then share them here or on our Facebook page and Telegram

And don’t forget: our token pre-sale is almost over, but you can still get a great 12% discount on TASH tokens if you buy them today on our official site: Just 4 days left, and then we’ll go on a two-week break before the main ICO round!



Smart Trip Platform

Smart Trip Platform - a blockchain-enabled ecosystem that connects travellers and travel service providers to create unforgettable trips.