Get a low interest, debt consolidation loan without any guarantor

David Bailey
3 min readJul 4, 2018


Have you ever heard of a debt consolidation loan, a debt management plan, programme, a debt consolidation bad credit loan, combined-debt loan or a consolidation loan? Do you have some outstanding liabilities or existing debts? Are you paying multiple loan payments every month?

Are you too tired of making different loan payments every month? Are you struggling to make your credit card, store card payments? Are you looking for one affordable monthly payment to replace a number of them that you make every month? Would you rather prefer dealing with one creditor as compared to many?

How much Can I Borrow on debt consolidation loan

Do you often struggle to budget your money because of a large number of small or large loan payments that get lined up every month? Do you think you are paying too high an interest rate on your loan payments? Do you think you need to consolidate all of them into one single payment and pay less interest? Do you think you are sinking into your continuously increasing debts by every passing day or a month?

Are you worried about your poor credit score? Are you fed up of making so many bill payments every month, over-due taxes? Do you wish to see yourself as a debt free individual at the earliest?

We have two solutions for you!

How much Can I Borrow on debt consolidation loan

“A Low Interest, Low APR, Debt Consolidation Loan Or A Debt Management Plan, Without Guarantor, Credit Check Or Any Brokerage Fees.”

What if we group all your monthly payments into one monthly payment to one creditor only, up to a total of 25,000 pounds and let you pay it back in 5 to 7 years?

We are the direct lenders. We understand the real-life difficulties that many UK customers, families face every month. Customers often struggle to deal with multiple bill payments, loan payments, and installments at the start of a month.

Customers get worried by realizing that they do not have a single payment, but multiple payments to make, be it in the form of credit card payments, store card payments, mortgages or other loans. Sometimes, due to some unforeseen circumstances such as a job loss, overspending, a personal, family illness or other emergencies, your pending bill payments get piled up. It not only affects your financial health, but it also starts leaving its impact on your mental and family health.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to address it at the earliest. In such situations, one dreams of being left with only payment to make every month, which would make life a lot easier and stress-free. That’s where we step in! We provide low APR, low-interest debt consolidation loans, without any credit checks or security.

Debt consolidation loans are personal loans. These loans are totally unsecured. We do not ask for any valuables to deposit as collateral and we help you in combining all your existing debts, monthly loan payments into one single loan payment. We club together all your debts into one loan, also ensure that you only pay one installment at a lower interest rate and not multiple installments at higher interest rates.

Our goal is to always provide you with lower monthly payments than what you were previously paying for your total outstanding loans.



David Bailey

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