So You Want to Play SSF2: How to Control The Game With a Keyboard

SSF2 Back Room
5 min readAug 7, 2017


by TCS

Hello again! In this guide, I will go over the keyboard configuration I use, as well as some general guidelines for setting up an optimal configuration.

Many console Smash vets will want to use a GameCube controller. This isn’t a problem; many top tournament players use controllers. However, using a keyboard has some distinct advantages. Firstly, there is a keyboard-only advanced technique called Multi-Directional Input (MDI) that utilizes the unique ability in SSF2 to press two directions simultaneously. This allows you to do neutral-B and jab out of a run and teleport in place with specials that allow it. Controllers cannot perform this technique unless you significantly remap the classic button configuration, which means that you lose the benefit of keeping the same muscle memory.

Secondly, keyboards are more efficient from an ergonomic perspective for performing many techniques. Although you might argue this is subjective, there are some objective points in the keyboard’s favor: using every finger means individual fingers have to move less, techniques like multishining no longer require any finger movement besides pressing buttons in place, and the typing wrist position is less likely to cause injury than the GameCube’s.

If you’d like to use a controller, you should set that up and use it, no problem. However, if you’d like to set up your keyboard, but don’t know where to start, this is the place for you! I’ll start by simply showing my configuration, and then later explain the relevant considerations to using your own. This is my configuration. It is guaranteed to not hinder your ability to perform competitively, so if you want a simple config to copy this is for you:

Sample keyboard configuration (TCS)

Here are the things I would consider essential in an optimized keyboard setup, along with some explanation of their importance:

Do not use tap jump.

In console Smash, you can perform up-tilts by tilting the control stick only a little, so as not to trigger a jump if tap jump is turned on. SSF2 has digital inputs, so this won’t work. In order to perform standing utilts, it is essential to keep tap jump off.

Tap jump also makes certain character-specific inputs, such as Yoshi’s rising nair, difficult or impossible. It should be turned off.

Have a dash key even if d-tap dash is enabled, or use auto-dash.

Let’s say you’re a Falco chaingrabbing a Fox with back throw. This chaingrab (escapable with SDI, but that’s not important) requires a back dash after every grab, with very tight timing.

SSF2 has a buffering system that will allow you to frame-perfectly dash back. However, this requires a way of buffering dash. D-tap dash cannot be buffered, so it won’t work as the only means of initiating a dash. Therefore, even if you don’t use it all the time, you should have a dash key or use auto-dash. That way, you can buffer dashes easily and not miss chaingrabs or followups because of lost time standing.

Now I’ll explain a little bit more about the C-stick buttons and whether you should use them. For those unaware, the C-stick buttons allow you to input smash attacks or aerials with a single button press: C-stick Up allows you to uair or usmash without pressing up and attack, but rather a single button. A completely optimal player would always use C-stick buttons for aerials, as they allow you to get perfect aerial drift because you don’t have to press the directional buttons, even for a frame. (This means that moving forward in the air while inputting a bair would be cleaner, as the reverse.)

In lieu of that, however, there are some specific sequences that become easier with C-stick inputs that it is recommended to try and incorporate. These are inherently character-specific in utilization, so some character mains might have to learn most of these, and others may have to learn none of them:

C-stick Up for JC usmash and SH uair.

Without tap jump, JC usmash requires you to press jump, up, and attack within a relatively tight timing window, especially for characters with short jumpsquat animations like Fox. Using C-stick Up significantly eases the execution of this essential technique. Additionally, SH uair can also have tight timing, especially if it is SHFF as well. Therefore, I would recommend that most character mains commit these sequences to muscle memory.

C-stick Left and C-stick Right for dash-cancel fsmash.

This is character-specific, as characters with bad fsmashes won’t use this very often and don’t need to learn it. However, certain characters like Marth really benefit from extending the range of their fsmash. You could accomplish this with pivoting, but it has slightly less range and is less consistent. To be clear, this sequence is dash -> hold crouch -> as soon as you start crouching, stand up -> C-stick. This sequence is doable without the C-stick, but a bit more difficult because you have to switch from crouch to a directional input without losing frames by walking. This makes your fsmash a much more threatening weapon in neutral and out of combos, but for most characters it is relatively useless. Only characters with good fsmashes and a good dash really benefit.

C-stick Down for safer dairs.

This is simply a matter of personal preference, but I find it relatively common to accidentally fast-fall a dair due to the directional input. To solve this, use the C-stick. Characters like Falcon with good dairs benefit from this a lot.

C-stick Down for dash-cancel dsmash.

This is even more specific than dash-cancel fsmash. The main beneficiaries of this are characters with good dashes and a good dsmash. This includes Peach (who can combo uthrow → dsmash on floaties) and Goku (whose dsmash has large range and excellent KO power)

The most important thing in a keyboard setup is that you feel comfortable with it. To keep comfort, make incremental changes. Decide that you’re going to play with K as C-stick Up until you can do JC usmash and SH uair with it by muscle memory. Then, continually refine your keyboard layout and commit more and more to muscle memory until you move like the pros!

That’s it for today, folks! Stay tuned for more SSF2 content from the Back Room!

