What is a Social Hub?

3 min readMar 8, 2015

Social Hubs are a relatively new concept but one that is now integral to successful social media and digital content marketing strategy.

The last few years have seen more businesses leverage the power of social media including:

Building out a brand presence on each social channel (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc, etc). Strategically plan and program content for these social channels to drive engagement on these channels. Implement a social listening and monitoring program to monitor and report on mentions, interactions, shares, and sentiment. Employ a response strategy and are leveraging these social channels to actively and consistently interact with and support their customers and fans.

Brands and businesses now have the opportunity to expand on this by implementing interactive, digital Social Hubs.

The main components of Social Hubs include the ability to:

Aggregate all direct interactions that users have with their brand across all social channels. Aggregate all casual brand mentions from across the social web, which may be based on a combination of keywords, hashtags, and other filters. It may not even be brand mentions. It could be based on an area of expertise such as Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellness, or Musicianship. Curate, moderate, or/and feature specific fan, customer, or topic mentions. Style curated content so it is on-brand and consistent with your organizations style guidelines. Integrate curated and featured social content into the brand’s owned digital properties, websites, microsites, mobile apps, and online communities. Integrate curated social content into interactive live event displays including conferences, sporting events, and really any digital display in the real world. Promote the social hub or content within the hub, with the call to action for consumers, customers, and fans to engage with or mention the brand, in order to be included within the featured content.

From a strategic standpoint, Social Hubs then empower organizations with another vehicle to drive customer engagement and loyalty, as well as traffic, eyeballs, stickiness, and conversions on the brand’s owned digital properties.

Smazing understands the intricacies of planning and implementing a Social Hub whether you are a SMB (small and midsized business) or a very large brand or Enterprise. There is a growing selection of platforms that enable businesses to create social hubs. However each have their own capabilities, features, and price that may make one platform a better fit than another. Smazing has amassed this knowledge and would love to partner with you to evaluate and choose a platform that is the correct match to meet your needs. We also advise on the creation of your associated social, content, and engagement strategies and provide superior, implementation services to get your Social Hub launched quickly, professionally, and according to your requirements.




Originally published at smazing.wordpress.com on January 22, 2015.




SMAZING is a consultancy focusing on authentically amplifying social experiences and driving customer engagement. SMAZING.COM