QuickBooks Error 6000, -83: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

4 min readMay 27, 2024


quickbooks error 6000, -83

QuickBooks is a lifesaver for many small to medium-sized businesses, simplifying complex financial tasks. However, encountering errors like QuickBooks Error 6000, -83 can be frustrating and disruptive. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to understand, diagnose, and fix this common error.

What is QuickBooks Error 6000, -83?

QuickBooks Error 6000, -83 usually occurs when users try to open, backup, or restore a company file. This error often signifies issues with the company file itself or problems within the network setup.

Common causes of QuickBooks Error 6000, -83

  • Corrupt or damaged company files
  • Incorrect hosting settings
  • Blocked communication by firewall or security software
  • Network issues or incorrect file paths

Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 6000, -83

Error messages

When this error strikes, you might see messages like “An error occurred when QuickBooks tried to access the company file” or similar notifications indicating issues with the company file.

Signs indicating the error

  • Unable to open the company file
  • Frequent crashes or freezes
  • Slow performance while accessing files

Preliminary Checks Before Fixing the Error

Before diving into detailed solutions, perform some preliminary checks to rule out basic issues.

Ensuring QuickBooks is updated

Make sure you’re running the latest version of QuickBooks. Updates often include fixes for known issues and can resolve error 6000, -83.

Verifying file extensions and settings

Ensure your company file has the correct .QBW extension and the associated .ND and .TLG files are present.

Detailed Solutions to Fix QuickBooks Error 6000, -83

Let’s explore several methods to resolve this error.

Solution 1: Use QuickBooks File Doctor

  • Download and install QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  • Open Tool Hub and select ‘Company File Issues.’
  • Click ‘Run QuickBooks File Doctor.’
  • Select your company file from the list and let the tool diagnose and fix issues.

Solution 2: Check Hosting Settings

  • Open QuickBooks on all systems using the company file.
  • Go to ‘File’ > ‘Utilities.’
  • Ensure ‘Host Multi-User Access’ is selected only on the server and not on any workstations.

Solution 3: Rename .ND and .TLG Files

  • Locate the folder containing your company file.
  • Find the files with .ND and .TLG extensions.
  • Right-click each file and select ‘Rename,’ then add .OLD at the end of each filename.
  • Open QuickBooks and try accessing the company file again.

Solution 4: Open a Sample Company File

  • Open QuickBooks and select ‘Open a sample file’ from the No Company Open window.
  • Choose any sample company file to check if the error persists. If it doesn’t, the issue might be with your company file.

Solution 5: Restore a Backup

  • Go to ‘File’ > ‘Open or Restore Company.’
  • Select ‘Restore a backup copy’ and choose ‘Local backup.’
  • Follow the prompts to restore your company file from a previous backup.

Solution 6: Configure Firewall and Security Settings

  • Open your firewall settings and allow QuickBooks ports (port 8019, and ports 56726–56728).
  • Ensure QuickBooks programs (QuickBooks.exe, QBDBMgrN.exe, etc.) are added to the exceptions list.

Solution 7: Edit Windows Hosts File

  • Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
  • Open the ‘hosts’ file using Notepad.
  • Add your server’s IP address and server name at the end of the file.
  • Save the file and restart your computer.

Solution 8: Use UNC Path Instead of Mapped Drive

  • Open QuickBooks and go to ‘File’ > ‘Open or Restore Company.’
  • Select ‘Open a company file’ and click ‘Next.’
  • In the ‘File name’ field, type the UNC path (e.g., \ServerName\SharedFolder\CompanyFile.QBW).
  • Click ‘Open’ and check if the error is resolved.

Additional Tips to Prevent QuickBooks Errors

To avoid encountering QuickBooks Error 6000, -83 in the future, consider the following tips:

Regular updates and maintenance

Keep QuickBooks updated to the latest version and perform regular maintenance checks on your company files.

Proper network setup

Ensure your network setup is optimized for QuickBooks, with correct permissions and configurations to facilitate smooth multi-user access.


QuickBooks Error 6000, -83 can be a hurdle, but with the right approach, it’s manageable. By following the solutions outlined above, you can get back to business as usual in no time. Always remember to keep your software updated and maintain regular backups to minimize disruptions.


Q1. What is QuickBooks Error 6000, -83?

QuickBooks Error 6000, -83 is an error that occurs when trying to open, backup, or restore a QuickBooks company file, often due to file corruption or network issues.

Q2. Can QuickBooks File Doctor fix all QuickBooks errors?

QuickBooks File Doctor can resolve many common QuickBooks issues, but not all. It’s a good first step, but further troubleshooting may be needed for more complex problems.

Q3. How often should I update QuickBooks?

You should update QuickBooks whenever a new version is released, as updates often include important fixes and improvements. Regular updates help prevent errors.

Q4. Is it safe to edit the Windows Hosts file?

Yes, it’s safe if you follow the instructions carefully. Editing the host file can resolve network-related QuickBooks errors, but incorrect changes can cause network issues.

Q5. What should I do if none of the solutions work?

If none of the solutions work, consider contacting QuickBooks Support for further assistance. They can provide advanced troubleshooting and support tailored to your specific situation.




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