Badge Rarity

2 min readApr 19, 2024

The badge rarity is a framework that values badges from “Very Common” to “Extremely Rare,” based on the difficulty in task it takes to achieve these badges.

While every Believer in our community deserves a badge recognition for their participation. However, it’s also understood that the depth of engagement and commitment varies among Believers.

The Badge Rarity framework ensures that while all efforts in getting a badge are celebrated, exceptional accomplishments are distinguished and Badges are given the esteem they merit.

So whether you are a newcomer who just earned your first badge for basic participation to more committed Believers who have exceptional accomplishments, the rarity of the badges would help you rate how valuable your badge is.

This we believe is a strategic approach to incentivizing engagement and that by assigning badges with a spectrum from “Very Common” to “Extremely Rare,” the rarity system not only marks the progression of Believers’ achievements but also highlights the diversity and depth of their involvement.

Badge Rarity Hierarchy

  1. Very common
  2. Fairly common
  3. Moderate
  4. Rare
  5. Extremely Rare

1. Very Common:

These badges are the easiest to obtain and are designed to encourage initial participation and engagement.

Earning them requires minimal effort or completion of basic tasks that most Believers of the community are likely to accomplish during their regular interaction with the platform.

2. Fairly Common:

Fairly common valued badges are slightly more challenging to earn than very common ones.

They may require Believers to engage with the platform or community on a more regular basis or complete tasks that require a bit of time and effort but are still within reach of a large portion of the community.

3. Moderate:

Moderate Valued badges represent a midpoint in the difficulty spectrum.

They require a dedicated effort, engagement over a longer period, or completion of tasks that not every Believer may achieve without putting in a significant amount of effort.

These badges are attainable but distinguish Believers who have to go beyond basic participation.

4. Rare:

Rare Valued badges are challenging to earn and signify a high level of commitment, skill, or participation.

These badges are reserved for Believers who have made significant contributions to the community or achieved notable milestones that only a small percentage of Believers accomplish.

5. Extremely Rare:

Extremely rare valued badges are the most difficult to obtain and symbolize extraordinary achievement or commitment.

They might be awarded for once-in-a-lifetime achievements, contributions that have a major impact on the community, or completing the most challenging tasks.

These badges are highly coveted and held by an exclusive group of Believers.




We are a community of Believers dedicated to providing value for everyone in the digital economy.