SMC Badges

5 min readApr 18, 2024

SMC Badges are a form of recognition for achievements, skills, or competencies within our community.

Believers earn various types of SMC badges based on certain qualities they display to the community or based on specific milestones or predefined criteria they achieve while using our platform.

Types of SMC Badges

There are types of SMC Badges

  1. Automatic Badges
  2. Moderator Badges
  3. Legacy Badges

1. Automatic Badges

Automatic Badges are badges that are automatically awarded to Believers based on clear, predefined benchmarks set by SMC system without the need for any manual or admin oversight.

Criteria for Automatic Badges

The system for awarding Automatic Badges revolves around a series of measurable activities, including but not limited to:

  • Watch Time: Reflecting the duration a user engages with video content or listens to audio materials.
  • Read Time: Capturing the period spent by a user engaging with documents, images, or articles.
  • Chat Count: The total number of chat messages sent by an individual user.
  • Comment Count: The number of comments a user contributes across different platforms or discussions.
  • Referral Count: Representing the number of new members brought into the community by a user’s referrals.

How are Automatic Badges earned?

The process by which Automatic Badges are earned is when a user reaches or surpasses all the series of predetermined benchmarks set by moderators when creating a badge on the SMC DAO platform.

In other words, you don’t need to know the moderator to earn a Badge. Once you achieve the criteria for earning this badge, you are automatically given by our system.

This ensures that Believers who reach or surpass these defined milestones are recognized in all fairness with the appropriate badge.

For instance:

  • The “Silver Referral Badge”, is exclusively awarded to users who successfully refer 20 new Believers to the community.
  • The “Community Ambassador Badge”, is exclusively awarded to users who successfully refer 1,000 new Believers to the community
  • Emoji OG is also awarded based on the number of emojis you used in chatting with other community members over a period of time.
  • An “Engaged Viewer Badge” is conferred upon users who meet a specified threshold of watch time, when consuming video content.

So if an admin sets 50 minutes of watch time when creating the Engage viewer Badge, once you get to 50 minutes of watch time, you automatically earn the badge.

This automated system ensures a seamless, unbiased, and efficient recognition of Believers’ contributions and engagement, fostering a more dynamic and connected community.

2. Moderator Badges

In contrast to automated badges, Moderator Badges are awarded directly and manually by moderators.

Moderator Badges celebrate the unique, often intangible contributions that members make to the community, thus acknowledging the diverse ways in which Believers enrich our ecosystem.

Things to note about Moderator Badges

  • Personalized Recognition: They provide a way to acknowledge contributions that are not easily quantifiable by a computer, such as leadership, creativity, mentorship, or exceptional support to other community members.
  • Flexibility in recognition: Only moderators have the discretion to award these types of badges and the criteria moderators look out for, is the emerging forms of contributions as the community evolves, thus allowing for adaptive and timely acknowledgment of member achievements.
  • Community Building: We believe that by highlighting diverse forms of engagement and contributions, moderator badges foster a richer, more inclusive community culture, encouraging members to contribute in ways that reflect their unique strengths and interests.

Criteria for earning a Moderator Badge

  • Nomination: Members may be nominated by other Believers or self-nominate for certain badges, bringing community-driven insights into the recognition process.
  • Moderators’ Review: A committee of moderators review nominations based on the badge’s criteria, which could include leadership roles, innovation, community support, or any other notable contributions.
  • Award: The final decision to award a Moderator Badge rests with a designated committee of moderators, ensuring that the process remains fair and transparent.

Examples of Moderator Badges

  • Emerging Leader: Awarded to members who demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities and show great potential for becoming influential figures within the community. This badge recognizes their dedication, initiative, and ability to inspire others.
  • OG Member: Awarded to the longstanding members of the community who have been there since its inception or for a significant period. This badge acknowledges their loyalty, dedication, and the valuable role they played in shaping the community’s culture and growth.

Moderator Badges are an essential component of the SMC DAO recognition ecosystem, offering a versatile and inclusive way to celebrate the broad spectrum of contributions that strengthen and enrich the community.

Through this personalized approach, SMC DAO reaffirms its commitment to valuing and encouraging the unique contributions of each Believer.

3. Legacy Badges

Legacy Badges represent a special category of recognition, distinct from both Automatic and Moderator Badges.

These badges are awarded to honor and commemorate the historical contributions, milestones, or participation of members in specific events in the community’s evolution.

Legacy Badges serve as a bridge connecting the past achievements and traditions of the community with its present and future aspirations.

Characteristics of Legacy Badges

  • Historical Significance: Legacy Badges are often tied to notable events, foundational milestones, or significant periods in the community’s history, highlighting contributions that have had a lasting impact.
  • Exclusivity: These badges may be awarded to Believers who participated in or contributed to the community during a specific timeframe, making them exclusive to individuals who share a common piece of the community’s history.
  • Recognition of Pioneering Contributions: They often recognize the pioneering efforts of early members or contributors who laid the groundwork for the community’s success and growth.

Purpose and Impact of Legacy Badges

  • Fostering Community Identity: Legacy Badges help in preserving and celebrating the history and culture of the community, fostering a strong sense of identity and continuity among members.
  • Encouraging Long-term Engagement: By recognizing the contributions of long-standing members, Legacy Badges incentivize sustained engagement and loyalty within the community.
  • Inspirational Role: They serve as a source of inspiration for newer members by highlighting the achievements and contributions that have shaped the community, encouraging them to contribute meaningfully.

How Legacy Badges are Awarded

The process for awarding Legacy Badges can vary but typically involves:

  • Historical Review: Administrators or a designated committee may review historical records, milestones, and member contributions to identify potential recipients.
  • Community Input: In some cases, community input or nominations may play a role in identifying deserving recipients, especially when recognizing contributions that may not be well-documented.
  • Announcement and Ceremony: The awarding of Legacy Badges may be accompanied by a formal announcement on our official channels acknowledging the Believer’s contributions in a public and celebratory manner.

Examples of Legacy Badges

  • Lbankers: This badge was a special recognition given to Believers who generously contributed towards the servicing of Wiki Cat on LBank during the MM Saga.
  • Certik Heroes: This badge was awarded to the valiant Believers who played a pivotal role in the Certik audit process for Wiki Cat.
  • 70 for 700: This badge was given out in recognition of the 70 Believers who played a strategic role in capturing free listing for Wiki Cat — WKC

Legacy Badges encapsulate the rich history and achievements of SMC as a community, offering a tangible link to the past and a constant reminder of the collective journey of us as Believers.

Through these badges, SMC DAO not only honors individual contributions but also strengthens the communal bonds that are vital for its ongoing growth and success.




We are a community of Believers dedicated to providing value for everyone in the digital economy.