Allistics, Social Change, and Transphobia

How some allistic’s ironic refusal to accept change contributes to their transphobia

The Autlaw
3 min readAug 8, 2022
image via Wikimedia

It is unfortunate that it took me so long to realize that I am nonbinary and queer because I may not be able to be out for very long if the hate-filled people who are mobilizing politically have their way.

Being LGBTQ+ in any way is scary right now. A lot of mostly allistic people are very angry about trans and gender-diverse people. I think it is not just because of religion, which contributes massively to people’s biases, but because shaking up the status quo is frightening to most allistics.

People don’t like to change unless they’re forced to change. Whether through outside pressure or some kind of turmoil within.

It’s funny because Autistic people are always made fun of and objects of ridicule for the fact that change is so hard for us when in reality allistics aren’t much better at accepting change.

Bills all over the U.S. trying to take away the rights of LGBTQ+ people attest to that fact.

I am not discounting the massive amount of hate for gender-diverse folks, especially the violence directed towards transwomen, in particular, that is often fueled by adherence to a certain brand of Christianity.



The Autlaw

Funny, opinionated, and occasionally machete-tongued, late-diagnosed autistic writer and aspiring author. Various Topics. 1x Top Writer in Mental Health.