Seasonal Tokens — The Most Possibility Future

8 min readMar 25, 2022


What are Seasonal Tokens?

They’re cryptocurrencies, mined using proof-of-work, like bitcoin. They’re designed so that, if you trade them in a cycle, you’ll end up with more than you started with.

There are four tokens, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Once every nine months, the rate of production of one of the tokens is cut in half. The tokens that’s produced at the fastest rate becomes the slowest. Spring tokens are currently produced at the fastest rate of the four. In June, the Spring halving will take place, and Spring will then become the most difficult of the four to mine.

They’ve been designed this way to benefit investors. Winter tokens are currently produced at the slowest rate of the four, and they have the highest cost of production. As a result, they’re the most expensive token to buy, and Spring is the cheapest. Investors can trade Winter tokens for Spring today and increase the total number of tokens they own. When the rate of production of Spring tokens is halved, the cost of production will double. Spring will become the most expensive token to produce, and the price can be expected to rise over the following months as the market adjusts to the decrease in the supply and the increase in the cost of production. Over time, Spring tokens will tend to become the most expensive of the four.

This allows investors to hold Spring tokens while they rise in price relative to the other tokens, and then trade them for a greater number of Summer tokens, which will then be the cheapest. Then the Summer halving will take place in March 2023. After that, Summer’s price can be expected to rise, and over time Summer will tend to become the most expensive of the four. They can then be traded for an even greater number of Autumn tokens.

By trading the tokens in a cycle, investors can continually increase the total number of tokens they own. This makes it possible for investors to increase their holdings without spending more. It also makes it possible to eliminate the risk of making a trading loss measured in tokens: If you always trade tokens for more tokens of a different type, the total number of tokens in your investment will increase with every trade.

In the long term, the tokens are equally valuable, because which one is the most expensive will keep rotating. Today’s market will price the tokens according to today’s cost of production, though, which ensures that the tokens will always tend to have different prices, and it will be possible to trade tokens for more tokens of a different type.

The rate of production of each token halves every three years. They’re becoming harder to obtain over time. In twenty years, they’ll be produced at less than 1% of today’s rate. Although there’s no way to absolutely guarantee that the prices of the tokens measured in external currencies such as USD will rise over time, the increasing cost of production and scarcity makes it likely that the tokens will be more expensive to buy in the future. This makes the total number of tokens in an investment a good measure of its investment value. Investors can trade the tokens in a cycle and acquire more of them over time, even as they become harder to obtain.

Unlike bitcoin, which was designed to be money, and ethereum, which was designed to be a public computer, the tokens are designed to be an investment. They can be used as money, but that’s not what they were created for, and it’s not necessary for people to use the tokens for payments in order for them to rise in price relative to one another as intended. It’s the changes in the cost and rate of production, not popularity, that drive the prices of the tokens relative to one another.

The tokens can be compared to exchange-traded products such as ETFs, which, like the tokens, are designed to allow investors to change the sensitivity of their investment to variables such as market performance or volatility. These financial instruments, like the tokens, are designed primarily for investment, and don’t rely on popularity, or usefulness for purposes other than investment, to achieve the sensitivity of their price to the underlying variable. In the case of the tokens, that variable is time.

The first multi-token task utilizing verification of-work

There are four tokens, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They’ve been intended to ascend in value comparative with one another in an anticipated arrangement. Spring tokens will more often than not ascent in cost, then Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring once more.

The costs of the tokens comparative with one another are driven by market interest. There’s an inventory from mining, and an interest from cultivating. When like clockwork, the pace of creation of a symbolic parts, and the expense of creation duplicates. It goes from being the least expensive to deliver, to being the most costly. Then it goes from being the most un-significant for cultivating, to being the most important.

This blend of occasional inventory and occasional interest gives the tension on the costs of the tokens comparative with one another that makes them expansion in an anticipated arrangement. On the off chance that you exchange the tokens a cycle, you’ll wind up with more than you began with.

The tokens have been planned so that there’s generally a contrast between the way that the market at present costs them comparative with each other and their drawn out esteem. One symbolic will be the most costly, and another symbolic will be the least expensive. Financial backers can build the all out number of tokens they own by exchanging the more costly tokens for the less expensive ones.

On the off chance that you generally exchange tokens for additional badge of an alternate sort, the complete number of tokens in your venture will increment with each exchange. In the long haul, the tokens are similarly important, on the grounds that which one is the most costly will continue to turn.

Intended to appear as something else

- Four Tokens

There are four tokens like the four seasons in nature — Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. They’re created by mining, and can utilized for ranch. Mining controls the relative inventory, and cultivating spurs a relative interest.

- Various Prices

Every one of the tokens has an alternate cost, which offers you the chance to exchange the more costly tokens for the less expensive ones, and increment the complete number of tokens you own.

- Fixed Cycles

At regular intervals the pace of creation of a token is sliced down the middle. After four months, that token turns out to be more significant for cultivating. It goes from being the least expensive to create and the most un-important for cultivating, to being the most costly, and the most significant.

By exchanging the tokens a cycle, financial backers can persistently expand the complete number of tokens they own. This makes it workable for financial backers to expand their property without spending more. It likewise makes it conceivable to take out the gamble of making an exchanging misfortune estimated in tokens: If you generally exchange tokens for additional badge of an alternate kind, the all out number of tokens in your venture will increment with each exchange.

What problem do the tokens solve?

There’s tremendous demand for a good cryptocurrency investment. Bitcoin has been a great investment, but unfortunately, it’s seasonal. Once every four years, the rate of production of bitcoin halves, and in the following year, the price rises as the market adjusts to the new scarcity. There’s a bull market, and then there’s a bear market that lasts for years. Bitcoin will be a great investment again in 2025.

Investors face the problem of what to do when bitcoin’s bull market is over. The obvious option is to invest in something else. But picking an altcoin and betting that it will succeed is gambling, not investing. An investor can feel secure holding bitcoin in the year following a halving, because the increased cost of production and lower rate of supply are inevitable market forces that will push up the price. It’s not a bet about what the public will do.

If an altcoin looks promising, an investor might buy some in the hope that it will become popular. That is betting on public opinion. The price will rise a lot if that coin becomes the next craze, which is certainly not guaranteed.

When bitcoin’s bear market starts, investors are forced to either watch their investment lose value, or start gambling.

The tokens are designed to solve this problem. Like bitcoin, each token’s price is seasonal. The token’s halving will occur on time, and the market will adjust to the lower rate of production, once every three years. Investors don’t need to look for another investment after they benefit from one token’s bull market. They can simply invest in the next token in the cycle, whose bull market will be just beginning. Inevitable market forces, not popularity, drive the sequential price rises of the tokens.

This makes it possible to keep investing in cryptocurrencies, instead of betting about what the public will do.

Trading for profit is competitive. You have to risk a loss to make a profit, and you have to inflict a loss on someone else. If someone makes a bad bet, you can profit from their loss.

The tokens make it possible to trade for profit in a cooperative way. Over the nine months between one halving and the next, new tokens are produced by mining, and these affect the prices in a predictable way as they’re added to the market. You can profit from those predictable changes in price. You don’t need someone else to make a bad bet so that you can profit from their loss.

By always trading tokens for more tokens, you have a guarantee that you won’t make a trading loss measured in tokens. This provides a financial safety handrail. The risk of ending up with fewer tokens is eliminated.

These features make the tokens an investment, not a gamble. There’s a safety mechanism that prevents losses, there’s no need to speculate about public opinion, and there’s no need to inflict a loss to get a profit. The number of tokens in your investment will never go down and will sometimes go up.

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