I’d Trade the World

2 min readSep 12, 2021


The Super Disturbing-but-real Picture of me taken by my Canadian roomate’s equally Canadian friend when we didn’t know if it was the end of the world or just a Huge Mistake. Life is bonkers like that.

DAN DIDN’T CALL me on September 11, 2001, even though, during

my final semester at New York University, I lived a little too close

for comfort to the World Trade Center for him to not have been

curious about my whereabouts and general living/dead status.

But Dan was not an alarmist, and he was also correct when he

said, “But you had no reason to be down there. I knew you were


If either one of us had been a different kind of person, at least

one of us would have felt offended. But we weren’t and I’m not

and Dan never got the chance to be a different kind of person than

the one he was and therefore still is when I remember him.

This is how memories work — exaggerated, under-exaggerated,

or just plain spot on — they are for us alone to hold close in lieu of

the person whose physical body is no longer here to grasp. That’s a

lot to say that Dan “should have been”, but was not, concerned about

my well-being during that fateful day. Interestingly, I don’t think

he was concerned about how I’d continue to live without him,

either. This doesn’t mean that he wanted to die or didn’t care —

quite the contrary.

Dan possessed a deep faith in me and my abilities — much more

so than I did. He didn’t leave me, as my mom would have said, “in

the lurch”. Instead, he imbued in me — like that same rogue set of

cells which lies dormant in the form of cancer until something

although, does anyone understand what? in the body goes haywire

and we discover it was there all along.

This secret cell he placed inside of me was a capability I didn’t

know I had.

By not calling me immediately “worried sick” that I had, for

some odd reason, been at the World Trade Center site that mornI’D


ing, suddenly a worker in the building on a high floor or playing

curious tourist for the day, Dan would have undermined the Me he

knew I was.

But I would have taken his worried call like I’d take his presence

in my life right now in exchange for this “knowing” he left me

with. The Personal Ground Zero I had to live through after experiencing

the Collective one.

I would trade, but since I can’t, I try to be grateful and take it

personally in the best possible way that he thought I could live

without him.




Originally from Montana but currently nomadic, I’ve been an actress, yoga teacher, and now author of Everything Relevant Has Already Been Said.