How My Rich Friends Get Richer

8 min readJan 22, 2024


Almost anything can be used in either good wise ways or in bad stupid ways. And of course that includes technology. Yet at the same time the technology of today is the only reason that it is even possible to have a money system within which important functions are fixed to work in certain and very particular ways, in this case that being to support and cocreate the human freedom and abundance. You can Not do that with the handheld cash money. You can’t fix that money system to permanently stay in any particular way. History would just keep repeating itself.

I was never able to care about money for more than a few minutes at a time. Aparently I am more interested in humans. At least somehow, always, while I should be making money I’ve always been helplessly connecting with the given human, as that always feelt like the right thing to do. And regardless of how that always turned out to get in the way, and even make people want to know me personally instead of doing any deals, I just couldn’t help it, even when I eventually really wanted to, it always felt much more like a need than a right or natural human thing to do. And of course later in life you could say that I had to pay for it.

I ended up getting stuck in one thing after the other, simply due to the lack of financial funds, while my rich friends were free like birds.

At some point I fell over the idea of people exchanging some of their savings into silver and gold, which perhaps was romantic enough for me to keep listening, and try it so to say. I enjoyed it and kept exchanging a bit more and a bit more which also got me into listening to a whole lot more about finance and all what is going on these days.

Next thing you know and for the first time in my life I found it all exciting; the world in a helpless self created drama. …very much like me. I ended up listening to historical things about financial crisis and collapse and eventually heard how such rare times also work like times of wealth transfer. This made me feel like the best opportunity to repair the damages in my own financial situation were presented to me, and so I dived in. I followed investors and kept listening. And allong side of that I tried to teach myself trading. I never thought I’d ever stop ignoring the world on this front, but there I was buying stocks and spending my days on lending ears to it all.

Meanwhile my own subject and chicken to pick with the world, was about the human condition on a more personal note, to do with the love and ego, for the individual. To me that is still the most important subject for this lost humanity, as I have never agreed with all the things that they let slide in life, even though it keeps their minds and time enslaved. I’ve written a ton about it and tried to record a video where I talk about it, of which I just posted a couple of short clips to the world. And because of that someone wanted to get in touch with me. We ended up talking for hours and stayed in touch, which somehow quickly turned into a daily thing. This friend turned out to have been in the world of finance and trading, as well in cryptos, and as the days and weeks went by I realised that he was an assistance that I didn’t even know I needed. Yet again confirming that when you want something and start moving towards it, life will assist you in unexpected ways.

This new friend began telling me about som crypto stuff, in which I wasn’t interested, but you listen to friends if you’re still human, and that with an interest to understand whatever is their own world of anything and whatever of the moment. And also, even if I might be against something (which means I stay away from it or turn my back on it) I will anyway listen. And if I have the chance to to learn about something so that I can more properly to even truly know why I don’t support it, in other words finally get to have a real opinion of actual and factual substance, instead of pure idealism and just some notion, then of course to get there, to learn I’m all ears, weather I think it interests me or not, I am well aware that there is always something that I don’t yet know, and sometimes a little fact changes the whole picture about something. I am here to grow and learn.

Turned out that what he was talking about was the real original Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision, also called BitcoinSV and BSV, which is not even a crypto, but oddly enough it has been sort of burried in cryptos, and stepped on by what turned out to be the fake Bitcoin that everybody knows, because it was propegated to the world via the big media outlets, who are known for telling the public whatever they are bribed to tell. Enslaved to money. Voluntarily zombies!

Next thing you know I’m in the so smal circles of tech guys, developers, programmers as well as other workers within the field including knowledgeable supporters. It’s amazing and it’s the first time in my life that I am there from the begining of something that is officially a big thing for the entire world. I’m literally in the right palce at The Right Time. And it’s a wonderful experience to be there before the crowd, before it gets so saturated that you’re just a dot amongst it all.

This is the time to easily connect and be heard.

It took some two months time of listening to my new friend about BitcoinSV, before I began understanding it all, but then I was in awe. The whole of everything about it is mind blowing. The technology is limitless, the creator is a mathematician, but making two more PhDs simultaneously, while also teaching about the blockchain tech at another university, and being an avid reader, and doing interviews and meetings, while also having a family. And the best part for me about it all is that what has been on my mind for the world since I was a child, this mathematician has actually done. I even thought that it was never going to happen but it has. A wise money system for freedom and abundance has been created. It just never even crossed my mind that it would be a technology based system, which yeah I know, that’s almost silly of me for the times we are living in. Now I see how the technology of today is also the only reason that it is possible, because the way it has been set is fixed within the system. You can not do that with the handheld cash money. You can’t fix that system to permanently stay in any particular way. History would just repeat itself.

And so in this lifetime, to me this is like a bridge over troubled waters, one that I thought no-one but me would have the guts to create, and whenever I voiced it people would just think that I was unrealistic, as if anyone truly knows for sure. But unfortunately I never had the knowledge nor the networks to ever create any such thing as a new wise money system. But as I began realising what we do have at hand now, I dived into it and became even more amazed. Even I who am otherwise against digitalization and everything being electronic can see that there is no other option for what humanity needs in the fields of finance. Not to mention that a system that manages to take the power out of money makes Dr Craig Steven Wright look like the saviour of humanity, since everything in this world evolves and revolves around money. That is the problem in everything, no matter where you look; weather politics, government or even human relationships of any kind. And to me that has always been the most retarded factor in this human experience.

They all knew it was impossible. But then one who didn’t know came and just did it.

I began telling all my friends about BSV Blockchain, and trying to make everyone see that This Is It!, you have to get in, you have to get some, we have to take it and make it our choises of money. But to my astonishment, only those who already are rich took me seriously and either looked into it themselves or had others within the finance world, to look into it for them. So this is obviously a big part of why the poor remain poor while the rich get richer. As if those who cry about not having enough just want to keep crying about it, instead of doing something about it!? Why not even check it out for one self, do ones own research as I always do. Why not learn something and grow.

I did convince to pay a new friend of mine in BSV coins for staying at her place, and I also gave a BSV away in my struggle for getting some friends into it. But since then, my rich friends have already more than doubled their money while my poor friends remain poor with their fears and lack of curiosity.

But those rich ones don’t even get the whole freedom and abundance matter in it all. They just see it purely as an investment. I guess they as well as my poor friends are all half asleep on different levels, half blind and half deaf, just stuck in their habitual programs.

The point is not that this limitless system has limitless value so that it just keeps going up in value by us simply using it, making transactions. The point is that humanity has to step up and choose it themselves, choose to adopt this money system themselves. The governments, your parenting for adults are not going to do it for you. They don’t want you to grow up and be responsible for yourself your loved ones and your environment! They should be your servants but they are not! They will never serve you your freedom and abundance on a silver platter. At the max if they can they might as always just pretend to be trying.

So please grow up! Or let the World Economic Forum enslave you completely, as they are about to. They have been working at it. for generations! So this is your last minute chance to step out of their marching way. Mark my words. For you will not just see it but live it all Unless you step up and make your own choice now.

You can get insight and self educate by simply reading on coingeek and on bsvblockchain or right here on medium we have the brilliant and easy to understand expert Sir Toshi. Or at the very least, you can even just listen to Sir Toshi on YouTube.

There is nothing to fear in life but your own ignorance, for which you then “just” have to stand the consequences, whatever they may be.




Among Humans, Life's Real Magic, Wisdom, Mysteries and Other Thoughts, Life is Never Boring with me they say.