Thailand’s Beloved King: why do Thai love their King?

6 min readNov 11, 2016


“ If you ask me why Thai people love their King so much, I would ask you if you had time to listen for the whole day ? ”

Who is the king of Thailand?

King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX)

King Bhumibol Adulyadej was the ninth monarch of Thailand, also called Phumiphon Adunlayadet, or Rama IX (born December 5, 1927, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.), Having reigned since the age of 18 (9 June 1946 — 13 October 2016), the world’s longest-serving head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history, serving for 70 years, 126 days. During his reign, he was served by a total of 30 prime ministers.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Thai full title was “Phra Bat Somdet Phra Paraminthra Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej Mahitalathibet Ramathibodi Chakkrinaruebodin Sayamminthrathirat Borommanatthabophit

King Bhumibol was married to Queen Sirikit on 28 April 1950 and was crowned King of Thailand on 5 May 1950 at the Royal Palace in Bangkok where he pledged that he would “ reign with righteousness for the benefit and happiness of the Siamese people ”


He is an artist,
an sailor,
an author,
a musician,
a polyglot,
a photographer,
an explorer,
a developer,
an inventor,
an economist,
a creator,
a thinker

He is our King

He is an artist.

His Majesty the King Bhumibol, Thailand’s “Supreme Artist”, at his studio in the palace.
Her Royal Highness Queen Sirikit, the supreme artist’s favored model.
A surrealist painting in vivid color portrays red hands playing piano, saxophone, and flute, hinting at his talent for music.

He is a sailor.

He won a gold medal for sailing in the Fourth Southeast Asian Peninsular (SEAP) Games in 1967
Also, he prefers skiing, hockey, tennis, and many other sport games.

He is an author.

His majesty began to compose song since he was 18. The first song is under the title of Candlelight Blues. Until now, there are 48 songs that contribute by Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand.

My favorite songs are the musical instrument such as Klai roong (Near dawn — Piano) and Klai roong (Near down — Saxophone), H.M. Blues (Jazz), and the one that shouldn’t miss is the song name Oh I Say (Piano). And many other songs with a beautiful rhythm.

Ps. I actually love this song “King in a fairy tale”, so touching.

He is a musician.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, far right, plays the saxophone during a jam session with legendary jazz clarinetist Benny Goodman, far left, and his band in New York on July 5, 1960
Not only an accomplished jazz saxophone player and composer, but he also playing Dixieland and New Orleans jazz, and also the clarinet, trumpet, guitar, and piano

He is a polyglot.

He can speak 7 languages: English, Thai, France, German, Spain, Latin, Yavee, and Sanskrit.

He is a photographer.

He always taking a photo of his queen, his children, and his people

He is an explorer, a developer, an inventor, an economist, a creator, and a thinker.

King Royal Development Projects (RDPs)

There are many royal projects that he had been developed (over 4,596 projects in 2016).

One of the most important and interesting projects for me is the Royal rainmaking project in 1969. Thai people call it Fon Loung (Royal rain project) or artificial rainmaking (cloud seeding).

Another royal project, Reforestation without Planting (Natural Reforestation). Using Three Forests, Four Benefits, in other words, forests should be divided into three parts to grow timber, fruits, and firewood. These are the forests which also offer great three benefits to the people. The fourth benefit as the by-product of the Three Forests is the conservation of soil and watersheds.

At first, no one believes it. Nevertheless, he makes the impossible possible. He took over 20 years to make this happen.

Narn Province, Thailand
Mon Jam, Chiang Mai, Thailand

The reasons why Thai people love the King

“ My King never wear a crown, never wear a jewelry.
I saw he only carries his camera, a map, and a pencil.”

He is the only King in Thailand, go to visit every single place in Thailand no matter how hard it is.

Where there were no roads, he used helicopters.

Where there were no places for helicopters to land, he went by jeeps, horses, or even on foot.

During the time of natural crisis, especially, he always was the first person to be on the scene.
He let students come into his royal palace to seek
He worked 7 days a week

“He transformed Thailand over the course of 70 years
— almost someone’s whole life”

The photos of the King and Queen adorn the walls of most homes in Thailand, for that reason.
He devoted his whole life to the betterment of his people.
Like father and children
He care for his people for his entire life

Even when he was in the hospital, he asked for a room to work for his people.

Sufficiency economy

The main concept is to focus on living a moderate, self-dependent life without greed or overexploitation.

Make Everything count

The toothpaste and pencil he used

Did you know?

It is important to realize that he works over 70 years with his blind in one eye. On 4 October 1948, while the King was driving a Fiat Topolino on the Geneva-Lausanne road, he collided with the rear of a braking truck 10 km outside Lausanne. His seriously injured that cost him the sight of his right eye.

If you can not imagine what it is like, just put your hand a and cover one of your eyes, that is how he works for his people for 70 years.

And you may need to see this.

“ I may not have come from the greatest country, but I am very proud to say
I have lived in the country with the greatest King.

