Refugees: an undervalued source of talent that could boost your business

Leticia Galdon
5 min readMay 11, 2020


Recently I read a quote from William L. Swing, former General Director of the International Organisation of Migrations, that said: “Migration is not a problem to be solved. It is a human reality to be managed” and I thought, he got it right. Perhaps the reason why Europe doesn’t seem to be doing a good job solving the refugee crisis is that instead of addressing it like a crisis it should be approached as the new reality.

In 2015 refugees were at the front cover of all the newspapers, and 5 years later, the situation hasn’t improved but we have become desensitized. In fact, many have probably assumed that this is such a difficult problem, that it’s impossible to solve it. But is it really?

The reality of refugees in Europe

NGOs and governmental organizations are trying their best to offer their services to support refugees, but the reality is that the system that is in place is one that probably most of us would not have the patience to go through. I call this “the refugee limbo” and it normally lasts between 2 to 5 years, and is a period characterized for the lack of agency and constant waiting. Waiting for what? For a paper that gives them citizenship rights, which means that they can work. And then what?

That’s the problem, Europe is failing to integrate the refugee population. Integration means language, work, and social inclusion. But that’s not all. Europe is failing to integrate people that are very capable and who would be a great asset to our economy. in a nutshell

Refugees are highly motivated

“There’s no bigger motivation than having lost everything and depending on a work opportunity to regain control of my life”. These are the words of a full-stack developer refugee from Venezuela that is currently part of our program at He is working towards landing a career in tech in Spain that would provide him with a fresh start in life.

Every day receives CVs of electric engineers, software developers, programmers, people with years of work experience in business, marketing, sales… We focus on finding high performing professionals who will make your business grow faster or perform better. Individuals that were forced to flee their countries for safety, who used to have an ordinary life just like us.

Refugees are talented

Finding highly talented individuals is an extremely tough process that requires a lot of dedication, which is why recruitment agencies and head hunters exist. Some professionals thrive in fast-paced environments and others prefer routine and processes. Refugees are no different. Since 2017 we have been identifying and recruiting refugees with the highest potential to create PAZ’s talent pipeline: the most diverse, hardworking, and resilient workforce in Europe.

We understand that recruitment is a process full of uncertainties and what-ifs, which is why we work with strong and reliable partners to create a safety net that guarantees optimal results. Starting by assuring that our candidates are trained by the top education providers, such as Udacity, Udemy, General Assembly, EF, and Makers. We also work with prestigious law firms and government agencies to smooth the hiring process. Our role is to accompany our clients on the journey to build trust. We know how nervewracking hiring a refugee could be, so we stand by the business side to make sure the process is easy and transparent.

PAZ is a brand that guarantees quality and professionalism. Together with our strong network of partners, we are addressing the skills gap of the tech industry while providing a sustainable path for refugees to have a future.

Refugees are resilient

PAZ works with highly capable professionals who have tested them by putting them at the very edge. It’s about their attitude. They are smart, yes, very smart, but most importantly they are fighters. They do not give up easily and have built the muscle that will take them far.

How can they help?

We are living unprecedented times, where businesses more than ever need a workforce that is digitally ready and willing to walk the extra mile no matter how uncertain the future looks like. Our candidates are waiting for an opportunity to help businesses adapt to the new normal and thrive amid this crisis.

What are the specific skills that they have to offer?

  • Digital Marketing and Comms: Armando has more than 10 years of experience as Marketing Director. Passionate about digital marketing. He can help position your brand on the web (SEO/SEM). He is an innovative team player.
  • Back-End Engineer: Adriana is an Engineer Geologist with experience in project development and research. She has started a career in software engineering combining her passion for science. Excellent communicator and self-starter.
  • Front-End Developer: Mussie is an ambitious hard-working junior developer, who thrives under pressure. He has a genuine passion for learning new skills and is able to adapt to different situations. He is an honest team player.
  • DevOps: Osama is a Technical Support Engineer with a passion for software, network security, and cloud computing. He has a caring and positive personality, always looking for new challenges.

These are some of the professionals that are prepared to start working now, but we are also training other individuals on a wide range of digital skills, from design to cloud computing.

What do they need to succeed?

As any person new to a country it’s normal to feel lost, hence, the first step is to develop a support network that can guide you in the right direction when that happens. In this sense, we are always looking for tech professionals who would like to become mentors and accompany our candidates in their first steps towards their new career.

However, for integration to occur, we must also find companies who believe in their talent and are willing to give them a chance. We believe the current situation is the perfect storm for businesses to look for talent in different ways than they used to.

If you agree it’s time to stop looking at refugees as a problem to solve and believe they are a valuable asset for your organization, look no further, get in touch with us at and we will be happy to help.



Leticia Galdon

Co-Founder and CEO of on a mission to connect refugee tech talent with work opportunities