Dental Tourism in India

SmileWide Dental Clinic
6 min readJan 3, 2020


In the last few years, India has become one of the most important dental tourism destinations worldwide.

Dental tourism in India

Thousands of people from all over the world including America, Europe, and Canada visit India to get their teeth done in an inexpensive yet high-quality dental service. Also, India has a great culture and beautiful places to visit.

Medical care, especially dental care in India has shown fast growth in the last few years. You find Indian doctors, dentists, and scientists everywhere.

Dentists in India provide their clients with excellent treatments. Wherever you go, you will find highly educated and trained staff and you will have your teeth treated the same way they treat teeth in the USA or Europe.

At SmileWide, we are used to foreign clients from all over the world. People come to us because of our great reputation and fair prices. Some of our clients say that they could save up to 75% of their savings and still spent a great time in India.

Most dental treatments do not require a lot of time to recover; that is why tourists can have their dental treatment, enjoy their holidays, and return to their countries without any worries.

Why Dental Tourism in India Has Become so Popular?

The first reason to travel to India in order to get dental treatment is the huge difference in prices between India and the rest of the world.

City Palace, Udaipur, Rajasthan

You can save up to 80% of your savings and still get high-quality dental treatment. The Indian doctors and dentists have become among the elite in the healthcare section. You will find an Indian doctor or dentist in any great college nowadays.

People, who are going to spend a lot of money on their dental treatment, think twice. They can have an equivalent quality, visit a new place (which is rich in culture and has many historic places to visit), and still save money.

India has become the number one destination for dental solutions. We have combined a list of advantages of traveling to India and visiting SmileWide in order to get dental treatment.


At SmileWide, we do our best to make sure that you have some time to visit other places other than the dental clinic. Our clinic is easy to find. You can reach us by all means of transport.qeq

If you need help, our staff can assist you during your dental vacation, especially in creating a schedule or a program including your dental treatment.


SmileWide offers its clients the most comfortable treatment options ever. We keep our clinic updated with the recent technologies and we already have an excellent infrastructure.

Your comfort is guaranteed; it is part of our reputation. Even when you return to your country, our staff keeps in touch with you to make sure that your treatment is perfectly done.

Our clients are part of our big family and we keep precise records in case they needed them or returned to us again.

Travel Assistance

Wherever you are in India, our staff can plan a whole program for you. We plan everything from the hotels to the places you may want to visit and, of course, your dental treatment.

You do not have to worry about anything at all. You will get your dental treatment and enjoy your vacation for sure.

Cost & Quality

Our excellent dental service will make you recommend us to your friends and family members without spending too much money.

If you compare our prices with other dental clinics, you will find that our prices and quality are incomparable.

Fast Points about Dental Tourism at SmileWide

  1. All dental treatments are excellent at affordable prices.q

2. Our dentists have many dentistry degrees from well-known colleges and institutes.

3. Our dentists and the rest of the staff have a great experience since they perform a wide number of dental procedures each year.

4. Our staff has great communication skills. Most of us speak English and Hindi and we hire translators if we have a patient who does not speak English.

5. Our location in Zirakpur is one of the best destinations to visit in India. It is a high-class area with many places to visit.

Tourism in India

All the Indian cities are rich in places you can visit. India is one of the oldest and most important countries in the world.

You cannot visit India without going to Hauzkhas where you can enjoy both the rural and urban atmospheres. Taj Mahal is a must-visit.

It is a great destination if you want to live some romantic moments. The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built it to house the remains of his beloved wife.

Since SmileWide is located in Zirakpur, Chandigarh, you should visit Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park. It has been renovated recently. qThe Rock Garden of Chandigarh is another place to visit while having your dental treatment. It is spread over an area of 40 acres.

We discuss all the aspects of the program with the client. We choose places according to the treatment plan. We may start with the places near the clinic first in LEH, Ladakh, Manali, Himachal, Chandigarh, and Punjab and then move to other far areas like Delhi.


At SmileWide, we realize the importance of having excellent dental treatment for our clients. We also know that they want to spend a great vacation. Our high standards and affordable prices make us the number one destination for clients looking for the best dental tourism in India.qq

Before visiting us or any other dental clinic in India, we encourage you to find out more about all the treatment options. Make a good plan and a list of the clinics that sound good. Contact them and narrow your options.

We offer our clients a free consultation with the best of our team to make sure of all the arrangements including examination, procedures, recovery, follow up, and timeframe.

We have been offering our dental tourism services for more than 10 years. Our experts will provide you with an excellent experience.



SmileWide Dental Clinic

Our mission is to deliver expert dental services that are technologically up-to-date, with a promise to provide a distinct experience.