When to start dating again after breaking up with a narcissist?

Daisy D
4 min readMay 8, 2024
Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

After your toxic relationship with a narcissist or psychopath is over, you’re probably furious that you wasted years of your precious life with your narcissistic ex. You poured your heart, your time, your money and your soul into him until there was nothing left for you to give. And what did you get out of it? A heap of trauma from his betrayal, lies, manipulation, isolation, emotional and sometimes even physical abuse.

You feel like you’ve wasted all of your energy on someone who treated you so badly, when you could have been using that time to find someone else.

So you might be wondering when you should be getting back out there to make up for lost time and finding the right person. Especially if you’re a woman who wants children, you might feel like you have added pressure because of the dreaded biological clock. Why waste another minute even thinking about your narcissistic ex, when you could be swiping away on the apps?

There is no right time to wait before jumping back into the dating game or into another relationship. You definitely can get back out there, whenever you feel ready. Everyone heals differently, and we can’t control the timing of when our next potential partner comes along. But you want to make sure that you have mostly healed from your abusive relationship before…



Daisy D

Aspiring writer by day and unlucky dater by night. Keen to share my experiences and help other people recover from toxic relationships