The Smilinglllama

6 min readJan 30, 2022



What a week! Bears euphoric, scams galore, the president of El Salvador tweeting out McDonald’s memes, Saylor on uponlytv, and we’re still only in January with eleven more months of craziness to come. This weeks Smilinglllama follows a similar format to last weeks, but with a bias towards more memes, because there are simply too many good memes out there on the timeline to restrict the section to just one ‘meme of the week’. Cobie gets his own section this week, loads of memes showcased, a new ‘Articles’ section, plus some excellent market analysis for you. So let’s get stuck in!


Yet again, attempting to scroll back through a weeks worth of smoltings tweets is almost impossible and I really need to do better at bookmarking the good ones when I see them. Luckily I found what I was looking for with the loomdart reply to bitboy lmao

Just had to add this one in from Fooo as well this week ‘smolest weener energy’ LMAO


Cobie gets his own section this week, and not for some insightful crypto market thesis but instead for the look of utter and sheer confusion for the almost divine appearance of a pair of scissors in his right hand whilst on stream. This has been memed quite a lot already, but the clip on its own is perfection (thank you @0xKarate for the edit!) — ‘what the fuck’

Got to include a meme where this scissor clip was made use of, and what better meme to use than by a recent new account that i’ve started to follow — @Crowmooreo — guy is producing some fire memes lately lmao!


Yep, i’m going to feature uponlytv again this week, because how could I not when their guest was the one and only bitcoin bull bull bull Michael Saylor himself! As usual, ct was awash with memes during and after this stream, moreso for the fact that both Cobie and Ledger couldn’t get a word in edgeways whilst the bitcoin mega bull Saylor dominated the show with some of the most epic monologues we’ve ever seen on uponlytv :)

One of the best memes to come of this episode was from @ashtoshii — such a perfect meme for the episode of uponly this week! great meme Ash :D


Whilst I struggle to keep up with all the ct podcasts, and admittedly do not listen to that many of them (aside from religiously tuning in to uponlytv) I do make sure to read every single blog post that Arthur writes. Not only are they exceptionally well written (wen book Arthur?), they also give a solid outlook on the markets as a whole, with special attention given to crypto. Whilst the moonboys and bulls might not like what Arthur has to say (spoiler alert, he thinks eth and btc will go lower) these blog posts are a must read imo, not only for the crypto alpha, but because Arthur is quite the wordsmith and they are always an enjoyable read (cool gif too)


Yet again the market looks terrible, so my outlook for this week will be another meme chart, this time from some random guy streaming a bitcoin chart. The good old floppy cock and balls pattern, absolute classic


This thread itself is quite amusing, jfc we all bought some really terrible NFTs over the last year, wtf were we all thinking!! LMAO. Anyway, this reply stood out and made me laugh the most, and if i’d seen it at the time of mint i’d have probably aped a lot of them! as it stands, i’m currently Kamagang-less, but if you wanted to get one then just dig into the thread for the os collection link lol


I’m not sure if I can limit this to just one meme a week, I see too many good memes and it’s almost impossible to limit it down to one, so you could see this section expanding into something bigger over time. However, to kick things off this week, we have a brilliant meme by @btc_charlie which really does capture what it feels like to try and time a market bottom; the guys expression, demenour, an air of hopelessness about him, and then the boomer minesweeper game showing the first click being a mine and game over LMAO, absolutely brilliant!

Two weeks on the trot and i’m including a meme by bags, well whatever, he deserves it, always producing such fire memes lmao

My friend Edge deserves a meme shoutout this week, always tweeting out the most random memes that i’ve never seen before that have me absolutely crying, keep them coming Edge!

I keep adding to this meme section because my bookmarks are full of so many good memes! this is a last minute entry but it has to be included. I believe @MewnCat created this meme originally, and with all good memes, they are right clicked saved and used over and over again! @ColdBloodShill making very good use of this meme over the past week… VOOM ZERO!!!!


I don’t know enough about this to talk about here in-depth, but if you search on twitter you’ll find enough to keep you going for a good few hours, so many tweet threads on TIME this week :s However, what I do know is that this chart tells a bad story and I bookmarked it especially to include in this weeks scam section. Oof.


McDonald’s out there on the tl triggering the entire ct space with this simple one liner. Has to be someone from ct running the account surely?

So many good artists on ct doing memes these days, is hard to keep up, but @369LZX got a follow from me for this gainzy artwork


Probably one of the best tweet threads i’ve seen in a long time! Pure degen autisim wrapped up in a goodness knows how long tweet thread by the one and only @AutismCapital, if you haven’t seen or read this thread through to completion yet you’re missing out, READ NOW! LMAO

One of the highlight tweets from this thread is the one about ledger! sorry ledger, but this had my in tears :D


Going to finish with this slightly weird interview of Sam by quite possibly the most excited interviewer i’ve ever seen in my life, Nuseir Yassin. The enthusiasm from Nuseir during the interview coupled with the rather slick video editing, still wasn’t enough to get Sam excited in the slightest, only when Sam got to show off his faithful Toyota Corolla did a smile of pure joy appear on his face :) Regardless, is a good watch!

So much happens in crypto in just one week that if you take a few days off it feels like you’ve missed months worth of news, i think that’s why anyone who has been in crypto for a couple of years or more feels like they’ve aged twenty years or something. Yet at the same time, it also goes really fast because there is always something going on, no matter what day of the week it is, or what time, you can jump onto ct and there will be something going on, a new scam, a new coin, a new nft collection, or, a bitcoin loving president tweeting out mcdonald memes. Much like i said last week, if you have any feedback for these weekly updates then please let me know, so far i’m just putting in stuff i find funny or interesting, but if there’s stuff you want to see more of, then just say. Thanks for reading :)

