Overcoming the RB109 Live Interview:

Smilja Klein
4 min readApr 29, 2023


I knew the RB109 live interview was going to be difficult for me. I did not think I would be able to fully grasp the PEDAC process. I still have much to learn but I did pass.

Here’s how it went:


This was the mountain I had to climb. Breaking down complex problems was a new skill for me and it took a lot of studying.

Here are a couple of things I really struggled with:

1. Understanding the problem.

This is the P in PEDAC. I was so overwhelmed about the algorithm aspect that I didn’t take time to think and understand the problem. This caused me a lot of frustration when my test cases came up false.

I had to learn to slow down, think about what the problem is asking, comb through the test cases and try to find edge cases before they tripped me up. In my opinion, understanding the problem is the most important step.

2. High Level vs Low Level.

I was confused on when to use high level and low level in the algorithm part. It just didn’t make sense.

I wrote out my algorithm with low level, and when my code didn’t work, I would have to start my algorithm over. The constructive criticism which helped me was to cut my steps(algorithm) in half. By doing this repeatedly, it eventually clicked. The way I understand it is that high level is ‘what to do’ and low level is ‘how to do it’.

I thought of PEDAC as the manager giving directions, and I, the worker, would follow the directions. What I was doing was micro-managing and listing every tiny little step I needed to do, and in real life and coding this isn’t as effective. A good manager guides you and gives you all the necessary information but doesn’t go overboard with detail. For me, this was the difference between the ‘what’ I need to do, and the ‘how’.

One of the best tips I got was to write out PEDA and see if others could code it. Doing this allowed me to see where my gaps were, it showed me where I needed to improve. It was cool too because I got to see how differently people code from me. I think this is one of the reasons I enjoy coding, because there are so many different ways to approach a problem.

Helper Methods:

I really wanted to learn helper methods. However, helper methods went over my head and I couldn’t figure out how it all pieced together.

Tess’s article helped me understand how they work in code and why they’re important. RB109: My PEDAC Process | Build little magic boxes with me.

The analogy in my mind for helper methods is that the main method is the general contractor and helper methods are sub contractors. You send part of the work to the sub contractor, and now you don’t have to worry about that aspect of the work. This really helps with debugging and I feel it makes code easier to read.


Kyle’s reference sheets: From Student to Master: Launch School’s approach to “self-taught” programming.

These reference sheets really helped me solidify syntax, especially with hashes. When I couldn’t figure out the syntax, I would reference the section I needed. I went through each reference sheet and discussed every single concept with a study buddy and made my own examples. This boosted my confidence and knowledge.

Launch School Community:

One thing that I had heard repeated a lot is how supportive the LS community is. I was overwhelmed in the most positive way. Every person who live coded with me was kind, encouraging, and genuinely wanted me to succeed. Meeting with study buddies on a weekly basis was pivotal in my journey. Receiving constructive criticism on how to improve my PEDAC and hearing comments on my progression kept me going, especially when I was feeling a lot of doubt.

I think PEDAC is a personal process to how you solve a problem. Everyone does it a little different. My PEDAC improved a lot by watching how others used PEDAC and applying what I liked to mine.

Live coding:

This was the most terrifying and nerve wracking. I am a naturally nervous person, especially when I first meet people.

At the first SPOT session I attended, I had to live code. I completely froze. I stared at the problem and my brain didn’t work. Quite frankly, I was embarrassed. However, this gave me a glimpse of what I would have to get past in myself in order to pass the interview. The way I approached this was to get so good at coding that I would know it like the back of my hand.

I had to confront myself and acknowledge that if I didn’t get past the nervousness and fear that I wouldn’t make it no matter how good my skills were. Thus, I pushed myself (with encouragement from my study buddies) and live coded as much as possible. I think I did this for 2 months. I did not want to take the interview until I felt ready.

Then one day, during a live code, I realized I was in control, I felt calm, and confident. I took my test a few days later.

For me, preparing for the RB 109 interview has been a growth experience. I was able to get past my nervousness and fear. I now know that I am capable, even if it takes me longer than others. I feel that I think things through and am more intentional about how I approach situations. I am looking forward to see who I become throughout my LS journey.

This was only possible because of the people in this community. I wrote this as a thank you to everyone who took time to help me and to let anyone know who is struggling that you are capable.

