Learning UIKit vs Learning SwiftUI

Should you learn UIKit or SwiftUI? Let’s discuss.

Stanley Miller 
4 min readJan 2, 2023
The age old battle

As a new or potential iOS developer, you’re probably constantly trying to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest technologies in the industry. One question that you might be asking yourself is whether to learn UIKit or SwiftUI.

On the one hand, UIKit has been around for a long time and is a tried-and-true way to build user interfaces for iOS. It’s a mature technology with a ton of online resources, making it easy to find solutions when you get stuck. Additionally, because of UIKit’s long history, there’s a large community of developers who are familiar with it, which can be helpful when you’re looking for collaboration opportunities.

On the other hand, SwiftUI is the new hotness. It’s a declarative framework that allows you to build user interfaces with very little code in comparison to UIKit, and it’s designed to work seamlessly with the new Xcode design tools. This means that you can build interfaces visually and see the changes in real-time, which is definitely a huge time-saver.

Team UIKit or Team SwiftUI? It depends…

So, what’s the quick verdict? Should you learn UIKit or SwiftUI?

Well, as with most things in life, there are pros and cons to both options. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your individual goals and needs as a developer.

If you’re just getting started with iOS development and you want to build a solid foundation, learning UIKit is the way to go. It’s a tried-and-true technology that will serve you well for many years to come.

On the other hand, if you’re an experienced iOS developer looking to stay current and potentially differentiate yourself, learning SwiftUI might be the way to go. It’s a hot technology and learning it can be a great way to set yourself apart in the tech market. Plus, because any new tech tool generates a lot of excitement, SwiftUI will be at the forefront of some interesting innovations.

Let’s get into some specifics…

One of the biggest differences is the way that they’re designed. UIKit is an imperative framework, which means that you build interfaces by writing code that tells the app exactly what to do. This can be a bit more time-consuming, but it also gives you nearly complete control over all aspects of your app.

On the other hand, SwiftUI is a declarative framework, which means that you build interfaces by describing what you want the app to look like, rather than how you want it to behave. This can be a lot faster and easier, especially for developers who are more comfortable with design than with code. However, because you’re not writing as much code, you will have less control over your app’s behavior.

Another difference between UIKit and SwiftUI is the way that they work with Xcode. UIKit has been around since 2007 (or iOS 2.0) so it works with the traditional Xcode interface, which can be a bit clunky and confusing for new developers. On the other hand, SwiftUI was designed to work seamlessly with the new Xcode design tools, which makes it easier for developers to build interfaces visually and see the changes in real-time.

Finally, there’s the question of community support. As mentioned earlier, UIKit has been around for a long time, which means that there’s a large community of developers that are: A — familiar with it, B — have battled the technical nonsense and C — can easily point you in the right direction.

SwiftUI is a much newer technology, so the community is still in it’s infancy. While there are still plenty of resources available online, you might have a harder time finding specific help. If a solution actual exist. Some problems with new tech can only be fixed by the creator, in this instance Apple. So if you stumble upon some code breaking SwiftUI bug, you may have to wait until Apple decides to fix it.

If you’re just getting started with iOS development and you want to build a solid foundation, UIKit is probably the way to go. If you’re an experienced iOS developer looking to stay current and differentiate yourself, learning SwiftUI might be the way to go.

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