How Does Culture Influence Home Design?

2 min readOct 31, 2014

Culture plays a big role in different aspect of life. It can influence people’s from custom to mentality.

As a brand who is seeking innovation, Friend Trusted encourages people seeking different ways to embrace diversified cultures. Culture cannot only be reflected on food or cloth, it can also be reflected on interior design. The home design can shows every family’s culture and taste.

—Japanese Zen Garden

Japanese styles embodies simplistic and natural essence, which is inspired by Zen philosophy. The first picture above is a Japanese Zen garden. In Japanese gardens or home, it is very common to see that it combines simple and natural elements such as water, stone, and plants(bamboo is a popular one).

—African Jungle


African styles features with animal motifs, and it uses a lot of neutral colors, and natural materials, such as woods and fur.

—European Style

Similar to European Empires architectures, European style brings out more elegance and it is sculptural in pieces of furniture.

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