50 creative ways to say goodbye: A comprehensive guide

5 min readOct 28, 2023


Saying goodbye is a part of life. Whether you’re bidding farewell to a loved one, leaving a job, or just parting ways temporarily, there are countless ways to express your sentiments. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore meaningful and creative 50 ways to say goodbye. From formal farewells to heartfelt sentiments and even some lighthearted parting phrases, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive into this list of high-volume keyword-rich alternatives for expressing goodbye in diverse and unique ways.

Farewell: The classic goodbye

Let’s start with the classic and formal way to say goodbye — “farewell.” It’s a timeless expression that carries an air of respect and finality.

Adieu: A touch of elegance

The French word “adieu” is a sophisticated way to say goodbye, especially when you want to add a touch of elegance to your parting words.

Goodbye: The universal choice

“Goodbye” is the most universally recognized and commonly used way to bid farewell. It’s simple, straightforward, and always appropriate.

Sayonara: A Japanese farewell

For an exotic twist, “sayonara” is a Japanese word meaning goodbye. It adds a touch of international flair to your departure.

Auf Wiedersehen: A German goodbye

If you want to embrace a German feel, “auf wiedersehen” is the way to say goodbye, meaning “until we see each other again.”

Hasta la Vista: A cinematic Goodbye

Popularized by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie “Terminator 2,” “hasta la vista” is a catchy and memorable way to say goodbye.

See you later: A friendly goodbye

“See you later” is an informal yet warm way to say goodbye, especially when you’re looking forward to the next encounter.

Ta-ta: A British flair

“Ta-ta” is a British expression for saying goodbye with a hint of charm and playfulness.

Cheerio: A cheerful goodbye

Another British favorite, “cheerio,” adds a touch of cheerfulness to your farewell.

So long: A nostalgic goodbye

“Saying goodbye” doesn’t get much more nostalgic than “so long.” It implies that you’ve been together for a while and now it’s time to part.

Adios: A Spanish farewell

“Adios” is the Spanish way to say goodbye, evoking images of sunny beaches and vibrant culture.

Ciao: An Italian goodbye

Embrace the Italian way of life by using “ciao” to say goodbye. It’s casual and friendly.

Toodle-oo: A whimsical goodbye

“Toodle-oo” is a whimsical and playful way to bid adieu, often used in a lighthearted manner.

Bon Voyage: Farewell to travelers

“Bon voyage” is perfect for those embarking on a journey, wishing them safe travels.

Take care: A caring goodbye

When you want to express genuine concern for someone’s well-being, “take care” is the perfect choice.

Fare thee well: A poetic goodbye

This old-fashioned phrase, “fare thee well,” adds a touch of poetry to your parting words.

TTFN: The acronym goodbye

Short for “ta-ta for now,” TTFN is a friendly and concise way to say goodbye.

Have a good one: A positive send-off

“Have a good one” is a casual, upbeat way to wish someone well as they go on their way.

Catch you later: A future-focused goodbye

Use “catch you later” when you’re looking forward to the next meeting, emphasizing the anticipation of the future.

Be well: A sincere goodbye

“Be well” expresses a genuine desire for the other person’s well-being, making it a warm and caring farewell.

Godspeed: A safe journey

“Godspeed” is a traditional way to wish someone a safe and prosperous journey in life.

Say goodnight: A polite farewell

Saying “goodnight” is an elegant way to part from someone, suggesting the day is ending.

Peace out: A casual goodbye

“Peace out” is a trendy and casual way to say goodbye, often used among friends.

Farewell, my friend: An emotional goodbye

Adding “my friend” to your farewell makes it more heartfelt and emotional.

Take it easy: A relaxed farewell

When you want to express a laid-back goodbye, “take it easy” is the perfect phrase.

Later, Gator: A playful goodbye

This rhyming phrase, “later, gator,” is a fun and playful way to say goodbye.

Catch the wave: A beachy farewell

If you’re at the beach or simply in a tropical mood, “catch the wave” is a fitting goodbye.

Until we meet again: A promise of reunion

“Until we meet again” emphasizes the hope of seeing the other person in the future.

It’s been a pleasure: A grateful goodbye

Express your gratitude for the time spent together with “it’s been a pleasure.”

Blessings: A sacred farewell

Offering “blessings” is a deeply spiritual and meaningful way to say goodbye.

To infinity and beyond: An adventurous goodbye

Borrowed from Buzz Lightyear in “Toy Story,” this phrase is perfect for adventurous souls.

So, here’s the deal: A businesslike farewell

When you want to end a business conversation, “so, here’s the deal” is a professional choice.

In the meantime: A temporary farewell

“In the meantime” is suitable for situations where you expect to meet again soon.

’Til we see the whites of your eyes: A humorous farewell

This humorous phrase adds a fun twist to your goodbye, suggesting you’ll meet again when you can see the whites of each other’s eyes.

Over and out: A communication-style goodbye

“Over and out” is perfect for those who enjoy radio jargon or military-style farewells.

Break a leg: A theatrical farewell

The theater world often uses “break a leg” to wish good luck, making it an exciting way to say goodbye.

Say the word: An open-ended goodbye

“Saying the word” leaves the door open for the other person to reach out when they’re ready.

Counting the minutes: A time-related goodbye

When you’re counting down the minutes until you meet again, express it with this phrase.

Here’s looking at you, kid: A cinematic goodbye

Made famous by Humphrey Bogart in “Casablanca,” this phrase is both nostalgic and romantic.

Safe travels: A traveler’s goodbye

“Saying goodbye” to travelers becomes more meaningful when you wish them “safe travels.”

’Til the cows come home: A whimsical farewell

This playful phrase suggests that you’ll meet again when the cows return from pasture.

Deuces: A trendy goodbye

“Deuces” is a contemporary way to say goodbye, originating from the peace sign.

Take a hike: An outdoorsy farewell

For nature enthusiasts, “take a hike” is a fitting way to say goodbye.

Until the twelfth of never: A timeless goodbye

This phrase suggests that you’ll meet again at a time that may never come, adding a touch of whimsy to your farewell.

Don’t be a stranger: A welcoming goodbye

When you want to encourage someone to stay in touch, say, “don’t be a stranger.”

Here’s to the future: A forward-looking farewell

“Here’s to the future” emphasizes the excitement of what lies ahead in your journey.

’Til the stars go out: An eternal goodbye

Express the idea that your farewell is eternal with the phrase “until the stars go out.”

Never goodbye, just see you later: A reassuring farewell

This reassuring phrase implies that farewells are never permanent, just temporary pauses in your connection.

Parting is such sweet sorrow: A Shakespearean goodbye

Quoting Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, “parting is such sweet sorrow” adds a poetic touch to your farewell.

Go in peace: A serene goodbye

Lastly, “go in peace” is a tranquil and comforting way to say goodbye, wishing the other person a serene journey in life.

Saying goodbye is a part of the human experience, and there are countless ways to express this sentiment. Whether you’re looking for a formal farewell, a friendly parting phrase, or a playful twist on saying goodbye, this comprehensive guide has provided you with 50 creative and meaningful options. So, go ahead and choose the perfect way to bid farewell based on your mood, the situation, and your personal style. Remember, the way you say goodbye can leave a lasting impression, so make it count!

