How to find a cheap Car rental service on Jordan Airport

Smith Bryan
2 min readApr 21, 2017


Amman is the most underrate city in the Middle East but hides unmissable, authentic Arabian experiences that are great for tourists. You get to witness ancient monuments without traffic and pollution. There are also various cultural scenes and vibrant restaurants to stay at and enjoy your stay. Many people are soaked by following in the footsteps of Indiana Jones and want to visit the Treasury and Monastery, forgetting and ignoring the most beautiful of Jordan.

If you are coming from the airport, Jordan airport car rentals might transit you to town and you can travel to the Jabal al Qal’a or Amman Citadel to start your day-off. You get to see the main hills of Amman that spread out low like a carpet. And you get to witness Amman as one of the oldest cities in the world — about 7000 years old — thanks to its crumbling pillars, arches and staircases.

You could also use Amman airport car rentals or Jordan airport car rentals to travel to the Roman-era Temple of Hercules. The honeycomb-colored columns and beams, together with the hilltop’s Umayyad Palace, date back to the 8th Century. There is a hill’s onsite museum that displays priceless Dead Sea Scrolls on its collection.

There is modernity in the baying of drivers that operate airport car rentals in Amman but do not accept to be transferred across the city to the Royal Automobile Museum. Choose Darat al Funun gallery located at the hilltop of Jabal al Weibdeh. It sits inside a series of three 1920s whitewashed mansions and hosts artists in residence and impromptu concerts. You will also see one of the tallest flagpoles in the World, on your way to the gallery.

Jordan airport car rentals are also familiar with the Paris Circle, a suburb and home to the Jo Bedu fashion store. You could carry home some souvenirs, including the Arabic-inspired retro t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts sold at the Jo Bedu. The clothing has Arabic phrases and in-jokes.

You can stop and eat at the downtown Jabal Amman. Some of the places not to miss include Hashem cafe. You can also buy local Palestinian knafeh, a syrupy vermicelli-like pastry. You can even trace the cafes with the wonderful smells of their foods. Do not also miss the city’s largest ancient Roman forum and amphitheatre just nearby.

