What is Computer Worm? How You Can Remove It.

Cherry Smith
2 min readMar 11, 2019


A Computer Worm is a kind of malware which instantly replicate themselves. They corrupt your data without your knowledge. Usually, they interact in the background of the computer. , They even infect networking protocols.

Are you wondering how can you predict that your computer is infected by the Computer Worm? Then,

Here are some symptoms, read it.

1. By your Computer slow performance
2. Crashing of applications
3. By sluggish performance of the web browser
4. Unknown desktop files or icons
5. System error messages
6. Email sent to contacts without the user knowledge

Okay! Now, let's start how you can remove Computer Worm from your PC.

Read and follow the instruction below:

• Don’t you dare to download from an unknown source
• Avoid opening emails from the suspicious email address
• When you copied new files, make sure to scan it with good Antivirus Software
• Always update your antivirus software
• To block harmful websites(Turn on the firewall)

If this all is not working for you then, for this the solution is Call PC Expert

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Cherry Smith

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