All you need to know about chemical peel and Microblading

Smith Henry
3 min readJan 23, 2018


A chemical peel is a type of skin treatment, which has the ability to perk upthe skin appearance on the hands, face, or neck. During the chemical peel Victoria treatment, the skin of the patient is applied with a chemical solution to smoothen. Then the outer layer of the skin is gently removed. The fresh, recreated skin will generallybe smoother than the earlier skin with fewer wrinkles. However, initially, the new skin will be more responsive to the UV rays of sun.
chemical peels can be broadly classified into three types that include:

Superficial chemical peel: In this type of treatment a mild acid, such Alpha-hydroxyl acid will be exercised to infiltrate the external layer of the skin to exfoliate it softly. The treatment is appropriate for those who want to improve the look of their rough skin, mild skin staining as well as for those who would like to rejuvenate the skin on their neck, face, hands, and chest.

Medium chemical peel: This treatment is appropriate for those who want to perk up their fine lines, age spots, and wrinkles, freckles as well as to moderate their skin discoloration. In this treatment, the damaged skin cells are removed by penetrating the trichloroacetic acid or the glycolic acid into the middle layer of the skin. The treatment is also suitable for those having rough skin to make it smooth.

Deepchemical peel: This is most sought-after skin treatment amid those, who want to remove their fine lines, freckles, age spots, as well as shallow scars from their face. Here, phenol or Tricholoracetic acid is used to penetrate the center layer of the skin deeply to eliminatethe injured skin cells. Although this treatment should be used only once, patients can observe a remarkable improvement in the look of their facial skin.

Some of the conditions that can be treated with chemical peels include:
 Aging skin.
 Acne scars.
 Crow’s feet.
 Melisma.
 Hyperpigmentation.
 Scars.
 Sagging skin.
 Sun damaged skin.
 Wrinkles.
Usually, a board-certified Dermatologist will perform the chemical peel treatment.

Although chemical peel is the best skincare technique to improve the look of the skin, it is not suitable for all. This means that it is most appropriate only for fair skin as well as for light-haired people. The treatment will not suitable for those having dark skin. It is usually recommended for those having skin conditions, such as active skin infection, sunburns, cut or wrecked skin, or for those suffering from sores due to Herpes simplex 1. The treatment is also not appropriate for those who are:

 Breastfeeding and pregnant women.

 Taking Accutane duringprevious six months.
 Having eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or dermatitis.
 Using Renova, Retin-A, or other skin care products.

Similar to chemical peel that improves the look of the skin, Microblading is used to improve the look of the eyebrow hair. During the Microblading Victoria BC treatment, the look of the eyebrow hair is simulated by making use of deposits of makeup tattoo colors. However, this is a provisional treatment for the eyebrow hair, as the color will fade away in due course and the hair is to be refreshed again.

Whether you need a chemical peel or a Microblading treatment, you can count on the services of Age Less Laser Centres.

