Best Android App Development Steps for Starting

2 min readJan 14, 2022


Learning android app it seems like a hard task, but it is a open source of the world for possibilities. You can create a next high app that is changed the way of work interaction with each other. And you can developed the tools that you can use yourself to over the workflow. Perhaps you just grow you skills and knowledge that you can show and utilized your skills.

Android app development steps:

1. Mater the Language: Java and XML are the two fundamental programming dialects utilized in Android App development. Information and dominance over these programming dialects are, hence, essentials to fostering an Android application. A portion of the basics of the Java programming language include:

· Bundles

· Objects and classes

· Legacy and connection points

· Strings and numbers, generics,

· Assortments

· Simultaneousness

· Legitimate comprehension of Java and XML will assist you with building/foster a more strong and rich android application.

2. Familiarity with the Right Application Development Tools and Environment: Assuming you are venturing into Android App advancement, you really must find out about the form computerization apparatuses just as the coordinated improvement climate before you begin fostering your application. You can utilize Android application studio IDE or Eclipse for the devices; they will assist you with learning the essentials and numerous different things that will assist with further developing your code. You can learn Apache Maven, Apache Ant, and Gradle as they give a strong arrangement of instruments to help in dealing with your constructs.

You must really get to know source control apparatuses and ideas. Learn git and afterward make a git-source store (by making a record on Bitbucket or GitHub). To comprehend the essential ideas and terms of how the stage works, you can utilize the Git Pocket Guide.

3. Knowledge of the Application Components: Application parts are the fundamental structure squares of Android application improvement. Every one of the parts is an alternate point by which the framework can enter your application. Albeit every single one of them exists similar to possess element and assumes a particular part, there are some which rely upon one another, and not every one of them are real section focuses.

Awareness over Fragmentations, Android Application, Threads, Loaders, and Tasks: Android is a divided market with various gadgets and working framework variants. Note that, assuming your gadget upholds more gadgets and additionally forms it will require more upkeep and testing just as the connected expenses. The other way around is additionally obvious. You additionally require suitable text styles, resources, and designs that will help in guaranteeing that the most ideal encounters in the different screen attributes are given. You ought to likewise consider the variety of android upheld sensors or UI offices. All android applications have an application class, at least one exercises, and at least one sections.




Hi I am john smith, I am a mobile app developer with frantic infotech.