Decode & Discover: DNA Testing for a Personal Odyssey

4 min readNov 23, 2023


DNA, also known as Deoxyribonucleotide, consists of genes that, if we encode, can provide us with information that can never be discovered through any other measure. Genes are present in every characteristic of the Human body. These genes are present in specific sequences that can be decoded to obtain information about ourselves. Gene studies can help a person know his heritage and his ancestral background. It can tell us from which part of the world we actually belong. Moreover, gene studies can help us know our long-lost relatives.

Apart from your ancestral background, DNA testing can help gain knowledge about whether we are prone to any health issue, or we can perform different types of face scans and paternity testing like the NIPP test. In this article, we will learn more about DNA testing and the services our Choice DNA laboratory offers.

Understanding your ancestry:

Different types of DNA testing laboratories are working for the people to provide them with various types of DNA testing. Ancestry can be revealed very conveniently through DNA testing.

Anyone can reach our nearest DNA labs or order a DNA test kit online and perform such tests. Results can be obtained through email or physical mail. Ancestry testing is almost 99% accurate and can tell much about your family origin. At ChoiceDNA, we offer a DNA ancestry test that offers accurate and precise results.

Discovering your secrets:

DNA testing can help you know more about yourselves. You can know how you got the features you have, like your height, hair color or any birthmark on your body.

DNA techniques can also help you find out if you are at risk of any cancer or disease so that you can get better prepared for it and gear up with every necessary precaution.

Paternity tests:

Genetic testing can help you provide information about your father. It can help identify your biological father for the sake of mental peace or legal cases like inheritance claims and child support.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test:

NIPP test is a type of paternity testing, also known as a non-invasive paternity test, that doesn’t require any needles or amniotic fluid from around your baby in the uterus. It simply needs a cheek swab from the father and a blood sample of your mother. The non-invasive technique provides 99 percent accurate results.

Capability of DNA techniques:

DNA studies, being at the start of their development, still can do wonders and give information that can really surprise us. Apart from the personal information that we can get through DNA studies, there is a very high chance that DNA studies in a couple of years will be able to do really big things like:

  1. Diagnosing diseases: DNA studies can find specific diseases in your DNA. However, the risk of diseases can be found even now, but diagnosing an active disease would make the jobs of Health practitioners easy, and it can provide us with better life expectancy rates. Hence, we will be able to make our world a much healthier place.
  2. Making personified treatment plans: DNA studies, knowing the secrets of our human bodies better, can provide us with details that can help a doctor to make a specific treatment plan that is going to be helpful for a specific person, minimizing any type of other risks that can develop due to lack of knowledge of the doctor.

The only solution to your DNA queries:

Due to the abundance of many DNA laboratories in the country, it can be really hard to find the best DNA labs that provide you with full privacy, accurate testing, professional technicians and the latest equipment for testing. Many laboratories can do basic DNA tests, but high-end labs like Choice DNA Laboratory can perform specific tests like the NIPP test, which is a special type of test.

Choice DNA also provides you with doctors and even technicians with specialized certifications and experience that can make your DNA testing journey really easy and fun at times, too.

Choice DNA labs:

Choice DNA labs provide you with various tests for different types of knowledge you need about yourself or your loved ones. It gives you the most affordable prices for high end testing.

Different types of testing provided by our lab are listed below :

1-DNA Ancestry Testing

2-Court Ordered Paternity Test

3-DNA Paternity Test

4-Drug Testing

7-Infidelity Lab Tests

8-NIPP Test

9-Home DNA Test kit

10-Relationship DNA Tests


Different types of DNA techniques provide essential information to people about themselves or their loved ones that they can’t afford to be wrong. Human or mechanical errors can make a lot of differences in the results. Such errors can lead to a lot of misunderstanding, and it can affect the patient’s whole life. You may anticipate findings that are 99% correct when you select Choice DNA as your DNA services provider.

