What is the value of BLAZE

4 min readJul 31, 2019

What is the value of the Inferno Token BLAZE? This is the number one and only question that people think about but most will not ask. It is the question that most teams, tokens, ICO’s, IEO’s and CEO’s will not answer. This is where we get the equivocal answers or where the magical buzz words that everyone wants to hear come in. “We are an A.I. Learning company, building on the leading infrastructure of blockchain technology. With the creation of Dapps and our mobile application process we will bring to the forefront a technological revolution of blah blah blah” Another favorite is “With the use of our renowned and strategic trading team we have built an industry leading trading software that uses advanced algorithms to calculate market movements and increase profits on all trades”. These are not answers or really anything other then clouds of smoke. Unfortunately, most of these clouds have given companies plenty of startup capital and in some cases plenty of money to ensure the companies CEO’s receive a nice paycheck every month in the name of innovation and advancement of products that will never exist. What is there value? As of now it is the ranking on coinmarketcap or how much smoke can be sold to make the biggest cloud.

This initiates the original question back into play, what is the value of the Inferno Token Blaze. First of all, We are an A.I. learning company using the infrastructure and advanced strategies of traders to build an industry leading trading software that uses advanced algorithms which are the forefront of the blockchain technological…

