4 Reasons Why Balding Doesn’t Matter

3 min readJan 13, 2023


You know that feeling when a friend reveals they’ve got a secret from you? You dread to hear what it might be, and your mind races through every possible scenario. It could be anything: something really bad like them being on the brink of divorce, or just something weird like them secretly liking Nickelback. Worst of all, it could be something so embarrassing that your friendship will never be the same. For example, the moment when your friend confesses they’re going bald! However, while some men freak out at the thought of losing their hair and do everything they can think of to stop it happening (from strange remedies involving raw eggs and mayonnaise to more conventional measures like expensive bespoke headgear), others seem not to care one jot. So why don’t more men feel this way? Here are 4 reasons why balding doesn’t matter and use head shaver Groomie:

It’s a natural part of life

A lot of men are brought up to believe that their hair is a sign of their virility and masculinity, which is why so many guys feel insecure about their hairline as they get older. But remember, hair loss is a natural part of ageing that affects the vast majority of men: around 85% of men will experience some degree of hair loss by the time they turn 50, and two-thirds will experience hair loss by the time they’re 70. It’s also something that has been with us throughout history. The Roman emperor Caligula, notorious for his cruelty, had no hair on his head. Shakespeare’s Henry V is often depicted with a shaved head, while some ancient cultures even practised hair removal as an initiation rite, both as a sign of manhood and as a form of humiliation.

Confidence is more important

One of the most important lessons you’ll learn in your life is that physical attractiveness is not as important as you might think. As we get older, we’ve got to learn to focus on other things: like being happy in your own skin, being comfortable in your own company, having a good sense of humour, being ambitious and driven, and just being a good person. Focusing on your hair is just one way of diverting your attention from what matters in life. Once you stop worrying about your hair, you’ll have more time to concentrate on more important matters, like your career, your relationships, and just making the most of your life.

It can be an opportunity to shake up your look

When you were young, you were likely to have been one of the best-looking guys in your social circle. But as you get older, you’re likely to find yourself surrounded by younger, more attractive people. But being surrounded by better-looking people doesn’t have to be a bad thing: it can be an opportunity to try something different. Cutting or shaving off your hair can be a great way to stand out from the crowd and make a bold statement. Whether you choose to chop your hair into a shaved head, go for a high and tight, or grow out a buzz cut, you’ll have the opportunity to try something new and exciting.

A shaved head can be stylish and masculine

If someone tells you that a shaved head isn’t masculine or stylish then they’re almost certainly wrong! Using head shaver Groomie will make one of the most masculine hairstyles you can choose. It can be sleek and sophisticated, edgy and powerful, or even just a little bit rugged! And even though the stereotypical shaved head is usually associated with balding, there’s no reason why you have to shave your head if you’re worried about your hairline. You can choose any haircut you like, whether it’s a short back and sides with a long top, a number 2 cut, or even a classic man bun.


Once you’ve grown out your hair, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. So if you’re worried about your hairline, why not just shave your head while you still can? You can always grow your hair again at a later date, but once you’ve got the bald look, there’s no going back. And if you’ve always been curious about what it would be like to have a shaved head, but you’ve never had the courage to go for it, why not make the New Year your time to make a change? Shave your head with head shaver Groomie and you’ll have a whole new lease of life: you’ll have a whole new look, and you’ll be able to start the New Year as a completely new person.

