How to Create a Tik Tok Clone [A Blueprint for Valuable Product]

5 min readAug 18, 2020


Tik Tok is a Chinese video-sharing app with a user base of around 57% just in China. Moreover,

India was the top market for Tik Tok downloads with around 323 million in 2019.

Tik Tok has around 800 monthly active users.

Tik Tok was downloaded 87 million times worldwide in June 2020.

This article will take you through each and every step in the process of how to create app like Tik Tok. You will also learn about the Tik Tok app development cost.

These stats are clear indicators that the social application is a global success. Moreover, the recent spread of COVID-19 also boosted the number of users on Tik Tok. During the quarantine, the number of users has increased by a tremendous volume.

The application was downloaded 315 million times in the first quarter of 2020. This was around a 58% increase as compared to the previous quarter. Hence, the demand and usage of the application are still high.

It was a bit of bad news that the application got banned by countries like the US, India, Indonesia, and many others. There are miscellaneous factors that led to the ban on Tik Tok.

However, on the bright side, it has created an opportunity for entrepreneurs to put a contender in the market.

If you are planning on developing an awesome application like Tik Tok, this article is the spot-on match for you.

What Are the Reasons to Launch a Tik Tok Clone?

Well, to learn how to make app like Tik Tok, you need to have a reason, and right now, there are plenty of them. The development of an app like Tik Tok like is governed by various factors like:

1. Ban on Tik Tok and Wechat

2. Size of Market

3. Growth of Social and M-Commerce

How to Create an App Like Tik Tok?

The first part of the process of how to make a video sharing app like Tik Tok is the business part.

The Business Part of How to Create an App Like Tik Tok

There are various aspects of the business part that need close attention like:

Finalize a Niche: To make a successful application like Tik Tok, you need to finalize a niche that will yield good results. There are many choices for a niche that you can look into like:


Lip syncing

Art and craft


Fitness — The fitness app market is expected to grow up to $15.96 Billion by 2026. So, it is one of the potential niches.

And many more! Choose a niche that can foster more users. The niche also affects the development cost of app like Tik Tok.

Consider the Audience: This part is pretty essential as you get to know the scope of your niche. In the quarantine, many Tik Tok users have developed hobbies of cooking, art and crafts, and other activities.

You need to do a comprehensive check on whether one has more audience or the development cost of the app like Tik Tok may go to waste.

POC: POC is expanded as proof of concept and is used to determine the feasibility of the product.

It is a simple code less implementation of the product without any special features like security or an attractive UI. POC is used for testing the business idea and can help you:

Identify bugs in the initial stage of development.

Save a lot of money in developing an unfeasible product. It reduces the overall Tik Tok app development cost.

In the process of project development.

Help you get investors for the process of how to make an app like Tik Tok.


The success of a business is measured by its revenue. And to get the maximum ROI from your app, it is important to look into implementing multiple monetization models.

The Technical Part of How to Create App Like Tik Tok

So far was the business part and reasons. Further in the process of how to make app like Tik Tok is the technical part. This part will basically include everything that you need to consider while developing the app.

Right from the features of the app to the technologies, tools, and workforce that you need for the process of how to make an awesome app like Tik Tok will be highlighted in the coming sections.

Core Features

First, you need to develop an MVP for testing the basic features of the app. A Minimum Viable Product will help you find out the scope of the app. Moreover, an MVP can also harness investments for you.

After developing an MVP, you can make your app much better with advanced features. Though it will increase the overall development cost of app like Tik Tok.

Advanced Features

After you have tested the basic version of your app, you can integrate some advanced features in the updated version to attract more users. There will be a surge in the Tik Tok app development cost for adding these features.

Required Team for How to Create App Like Tik Tok

The Tik Tok app development cost also depends on the team you recruit; here are some of the expertise you will need for the process of how to make app like Tik Tok.

Project manager

UI/UX Designer

Frontend developer

Backend developer

Quality assurance

Business analyst

How Much Will It Cost to Develop a Clone App of Tik Tok?

The very first thing about the Tik Tok app development cost is that it can vary based on various factors. How much will it cost to create an app like Tik Tok depends on factors like:

The features that you need to include in the final product.

The location from where you are getting the application developed.

You can get in touch with Freelancers, an application development agency, or even hire an in-house development team to make an app like Tik Tok. But the results may vary based on the option you choose.

1. Freelancers: The development cost of an app like Tik Tok is low in the case of freelancers. However, there is very less guarantee of the quality of work to be up to expectations.

2. Hiring an in-house team: Hiring an in-house team is a great option for you. In this, you can get all the work done as per your preference with quality and in the designated time. A minor drawback of this option is that the development cost of an app like Tik Tok will be high.

3. An app development agency: Last and the best option for you is hiring a professional app development agency like Spdload. Hiring an application development agency is advantageous in many ways, like:

Periodic progress reports.

Reasonable pricing (varies based on the location of the agency)

Premium quality work.

Timely delivery of projects.

If we take a look at the time required to develop a basic version of the product (MVP), the number of hours needed are as follows:

Based on the features described above about the application, the estimated number of hours are close to 1450.

Learn more about How to Create a Tik Tok Clone on our site.

