6 Attractive E-Learning Course Elements That Are Liked By Online Learners

Jamie Clark
4 min readJan 23, 2020


If you want to introduce the trend of e-learning in your organization, you must keep in mind that every individual is not interested in online learning. Although people know the benefits they can reap through e-learning in the long run, because of busy schedules, they often ignore it. However, there are certain techniques that attract the human brain towards e-learning. These are visual appeals and mental stimuli that are powerful to pull learners to take out time and take advantage of e-learning. The following are some excellent, eye-catching elements that you must include in your e-learning courses, which cannot be ignored by online learners.

1. Infographics

You can define infographics as a group of graphics, text, and images that allow exploring any e-learning trend or subject. At times, infographics are also termed as the highlighted part of the steps of any task so that learners can become proficient in whatever they are studying. In this way, learners have a clear snapshot of concepts and ideas in their mind as colored graphics instead of simply presented stats and facts. The key is to select a theme and pick the images accordingly. Always remember that you should just include the essential information so that cognitive overload can be avoided.

2. Demo Videos

To tell someone the way of performing a certain task is not that effective than showing him/her through videos that depict the details of the task. Demo videos help in sticking the information in the minds of the audience. They support in facilitating real-world applications and grabbing online learners’ attention simultaneously. They also play a huge role in imparting knowledge quickly. However, the best tip to make your demo videos effective is to keep them brief and interesting so that your online learners can easily derive the information they require. Additionally, you should make videos that are adjustable in the device of the user. This aids you in deploying demo videos that can be used on multiple platforms so that every individual can be benefitted.

3. Exciting Color Schemes

You can surely capture the attention of your audience through colors. However, there are certain rules that should be followed when you create your color palette. Firstly, you should stick with two or three colors for creating an attractive look; or else, you will end up creating a chaotic e-learning course design that can distract the learners

The next thing is to keep in mind the importance of color. An example in this regard is that there are few shades that make your readers feel calm whereas others deliver a sense of seriousness and urgency to the audience.

Finally, you should also consider the background of your online learner while selecting the color scheme. Different cultures ascertain different meanings to certain shades. Some areas of the world may consider red shade as the lucky one, while other regions may give it a name of anger or warning sign.

4. Bold Images

Incorporating bold images that capture the interest of online learners in the topic and keep them engaged is another brilliant tip to make your e-learning course attractive. If you do not have images, you can look for them on your online library or you can even go for online images that are royalty-free. It is better to use such images that are relevant to the personal interests of the learners or images that are related to the e-learning courses. The images you include in the course must be compelling but not controversial; otherwise, you may make certain parts of your audience uncomfortable and uninterested.

5. Memorable Characters

You can create a personality of your e-learning course by including memorable characters. These characters help your online learners to relate them to their e-learning course content. The reason is that memorable characters give a structure to the process of online training. They also act as guidance to the learners throughout the e-learning course by offering valuable tricks, tips or recommending excellent e-learning resources to the learners who require additional help. There are several e-learning authoring tools that include cut-out characters when you go through their online media library.

6. Animations

Animated video is another tool to make your e-learning course attractive. Online learners cannot ignore these videos as they are entertaining and fun. They not only cheer up the mood of learners but also convey important information in an effective way. The thing is that you need not be an expert cartoonist for creating superb animated videos. You can find numerous e-learning tools that have built-in characters, themes, and templates that are used for productions.

