So‌ ‌what‌ ‌is‌ ‌employee‌ ‌training‌ ‌and‌ ‌why‌ ‌is‌ ‌it‌ ‌necessary?‌ ‌

Jamie Clark
2 min readMar 27, 2020


Training refers to the expansion of knowledge in employees as a result of learning material delivered to them. These training programs are developed keeping the strategic objectives of the company in mind. Training refers to a process through which individuals enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in work. Training also assists in creating the appropriate and desired behaviors required by the employees of an organization. This behavior in turn enhances the performance of an organization.

The skills of the employees are needed to be upgraded every once in a while. The reason behind this motive is the rapid pace on which things are evolving. Training enhances the productivity of employees. The organization is nothing but the employees it has. The synergy of this training creates a boost for the organization. The organizations sure need some skills in their employees for them to progress. These skills are delivered through training and development programs the organizations create for their employees.

Training is necessary for both existing as well as new employees. Training is not a thing which is enough for only one time, it should be done on a continuous basis. The reason behind it is the increasing competition in the job market and globalization. Incompetent employees equal incompetent organization. The training increases the competency of the organizations to excel in the rapidly increasing competition.

Benefits of Employee Training

Some of the benefits of training are

  1. A higher level of productivity: Well-trained employees resonate with a much better attitude towards their work. The quality, as well as the quantity of their work, improves along with training. Training increases the skills of the employees which improves their productivity.

2. Standardized Behavior: Training creates a standard behavior among all the employees in an organization. The behavior towards work that is required by an organization is achieved through training and development.

3. The low requirement of supervision: Well-trained employees require much less supervision when compared to the employees who are not trained or not adequately trained. This reduces the cost needed for supervision and administration.

4. Skills Transfer: The skills are transferred to the employees through a training system. This systematic transfer of skills becomes one of the primary reasons for companies to succeed.

5. Better Management: The managers become better in their functions through effective training. The management of the whole company is in turn improved in this way.

6. Career Growth: The career growth of individuals is ensured through continuous training and development. The employees of the company advance in their careers through the training they receive.

7. Lower wastage: The wastage of resources is minimized to a great extent with training and development. This includes wastage of time and other physical resources as well.

Conclusion: Training is one of the fundamental functions of an organization. It opens new doors for companies to succeed and creates amazing opportunities for them. It is a continuous improvement process through which organizations are able to progress rapidly in the market and face competition they are surrounded by.

