How To Write Engaging Blogs

Content is the currency of the social web and sharing the content is the catalyst to new relationships and business benefits. — Mark Schaefer

3 min readApr 14, 2023

Blogs are a great way to build authority, connect with your audience, and drive traffic to your client’s website.

Writers, especially those who write blogs and articles, are in high demand. And if you have the skills or are willing to put in the time and effort to learn these skills, you can easily become a successful writer.

Here are 10 steps you can follow to write a great blog post:

1. Talk to your client

Understand your client’s requirements and understand who you’re writing the blog for (the target audience). Get inside the reader’s head to make sure your content speaks to them.

Your blog should be easy to read. But this does not mean that you should dumb down the blog.

2. Research

If you don’t understand the topic, you won’t be able to do justice to the piece, and it will reflect in your writing.

Research to understand what you’re writing about. Often, research is more crucial than the writing itself.

  • Spend some time reading other blogs and articles
  • Search the topic on AnswerThePublic
  • Check what people are asking on Reddit and Quora
  • Look at keywords people are searching

3. Create an outline

With your research in hand, it’s time to create an outline. You can even use AI to brainstorm. This is also where I write a basic headline so I don’t deviate from the topic.

Once you have an outline in place, it makes it easier to write and do further research.

4. Write, edit, write, edit

Assemble everything you have accumulated and start writing.

Join all the pieces together. Organize it. Edit it to make it flow. Use the necessary tone. Make it compelling. Finish the first draft. Re-read it. Edit it again.

5. Add images

Having relevant images in a blog makes a lot of difference. Adding infographics is a good idea too.

You can get free images from sites like Pexels and Unsplash. And you can create infographics on Canva or hire someone to do that for you.

If you’re not using free images or infographics, remember to give due credit.

6. Add call to actions

A blog is incomplete without CTAs. Add relevant, specific, actionable CTAs.

Instead of using generic CTAs, use these:

  • Download the PDF → Learn the 5 tips
  • Join the newsletter → Join 536 solopreneurs and learn the secrets of making money by writing online
  • Subscribe to my newsletter → Be the first one to know. Follow for exclusive blogging and copywriting tips.
  • Let’s chat → Message me for a 1:1 consultation

Help the reader take the desired action by being specific.

7. Add relevant links

Add links to other blogs on the client’s site to drive traffic.

You can even add links to other reputable blogs. If you’ve used any data or statistics, make sure to link the source.

8. Run it through Grammarly

The free version of Grammarly is good enough. It will help you sort out typing mistakes, spelling mistakes, punctuation, and basic grammatical errors.

I always run my blog through Grammarly to avoid any embarrassing mistakes and typos.

9. Leave the blog

Leave the blog for a few hours. Go for a walk. Work on another project. Grab a cup of coffee. Come back to it later.

Read it again. Read it out loud if you can. Correct all the funny and not-so-funny errors. Make any revisions or edits needed.

10. You’re done!

It’s time to give the blog one final read, glance through the format and share it with your client.


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Going through a writer’s block? Check out this unique way of writing by removing words from a page.

Need someone to write engaging blogs for your website? Send me a message on LinkedIn.

Thank you for reading!




Exploring my curiosity | Reader, writer, artist, traveler