How to Bypass Twitter Phone Verification

7 min readJun 11, 2024


Have you ever faced the frustrating Twitter phone verification prompt? It can be a real hassle, especially if you don’t want to share your phone number or if you’re unable to complete the verification process. Luckily, there are ways to bypass Twitter phone verification without compromising your account security. Let’s dive into the details and explore some practical solutions.

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Understanding Twitter Phone Verification

Twitter uses phone verification to ensure the authenticity of its users. This process helps in reducing spam and protecting accounts from malicious activities. However, there are times when users might want to bypass this verification step. Whether you’re traveling, have privacy concerns, or simply don’t want to share your number, knowing how to bypass this step can be quite handy.

Why Does Twitter Require Phone Verification?

Twitter’s main reason for requiring phone verification is security. By linking a phone number to an account, Twitter can:

  1. Verify the user’s identity.
  2. Reduce the number of fake accounts and bots.
  3. Provide an additional layer of security through two-factor authentication.

While these reasons are valid and help maintain the platform’s integrity, they can also pose inconvenience for genuine users who have legitimate reasons to avoid phone verification.

Methods to Bypass Twitter Phone Verification

There are several strategies to bypass Twitter phone verification. Some are straightforward, while others may require a bit more effort. Here are the most effective methods:

1. Using Temporary Phone Numbers

One of the easiest ways to bypass phone verification is by using a temporary phone number. These numbers can be obtained through various online services that provide disposable numbers for verification purposes.

Steps to Use Temporary Phone Numbers

  1. Find a Reliable Service: There are many websites and apps that offer temporary phone numbers, such as TextNow, Burner, or SMSBOWER.
  2. Select a Number: Choose a number from the list provided by the service.
  3. Enter the Number on Twitter: During the verification process, enter the temporary number.
  4. Receive the Code: The verification code sent by Twitter will appear on the service’s platform.
  5. Complete Verification: Enter the code on Twitter to complete the process.

Using temporary numbers is convenient, but it’s not foolproof. Twitter often identifies and blocks numbers from known disposable services.

2. Google Voice

Google Voice offers a free US-based phone number that can be used for verification purposes. This method is particularly useful if you reside outside the US and need a US-based number.

How to Set Up Google Voice

  1. Sign Up: Create a Google Voice account using your existing Google account.
  2. Choose a Number: Select a US-based number from the options provided.
  3. Link to Your Google Account: Complete the setup by linking the number to your Google account.
  4. Use the Number for Twitter: Enter this number during Twitter’s phone verification process.

Google Voice numbers are less likely to be flagged by Twitter compared to temporary numbers, making this a reliable option.

Using Online SMS Services

Another method to bypass Twitter phone verification is through online SMS services. These services allow you to receive SMS messages online without needing a physical phone.

Popular Online SMS Services

  • Offers a variety of phone numbers from different countries.
  • Provides free temporary phone numbers for verification.
  • Twilio: A more advanced service, suitable for tech-savvy users who want to create their own verification solutions.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Easy to use
  • No need for a physical phone
  • Can be accessed from anywhere


  • Numbers may be blocked by Twitter
  • Limited number of free numbers available
  • Some services may charge fees

Online SMS services offer flexibility and convenience but come with the risk of Twitter recognizing and blocking these numbers.

Using Friends or Family’s Phone Numbers

If you’re comfortable, asking a friend or family member to use their phone number for verification can be an easy solution.

How to Request Assistance

  1. Explain the Situation: Clearly explain why you need their phone number for Twitter verification.
  2. Assure Security: Inform them that their number will only be used temporarily and not linked to your account permanently.
  3. Complete the Verification: Enter their number during the verification process and obtain the code.

This method ensures that you’re using a legitimate phone number, reducing the risk of being blocked by Twitter.

Using VoIP Services

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services can provide phone numbers that work similarly to traditional phone lines. Services like Skype, Vonage, and RingCentral offer phone numbers that can be used for various purposes, including Twitter verification.

How to Use VoIP Services

  1. Select a VoIP Service: Choose a service that fits your needs and budget. Popular options include Skype and Vonage.
  2. Set Up an Account: Create an account and select a phone number.
  3. Use the VoIP Number: Enter the VoIP number during Twitter verification.
  4. Receive the Code: Check the VoIP service for the verification code and enter it on Twitter.

VoIP numbers are generally more reliable than temporary numbers, but some services might be blocked by Twitter due to past misuse.

Contacting Twitter Support

If you are facing persistent issues with phone verification, contacting Twitter support can be a viable option. While it may not be the quickest solution, it can resolve the issue directly.

How to Contact Twitter Support

  1. Access Help Center: Go to Twitter’s Help Center and navigate to the support section.
  2. Submit a Request: Fill out the form with your issue, explaining why you cannot complete the phone verification.
  3. Wait for a Response: Twitter support will review your request and respond with a solution.

Contacting support can be time-consuming, but it ensures that your account issues are resolved officially and securely.

Using a Landline

While less common, using a landline for verification is possible. Some users have successfully received verification calls from Twitter on their landline numbers.

Steps to Use a Landline

  1. Enter Landline Number: During the verification process, enter your landline number.
  2. Receive Verification Call: Twitter will call the landline with the verification code.
  3. Enter the Code: Write down the code and enter it on Twitter.

This method is particularly useful for users who have landlines but do not use mobile phones frequently.

Using SMSBower for Virtual or Temporary Numbers

SMSBower is another excellent option for obtaining temporary numbers for Twitter verification. It provides virtual numbers that can be used for various online verification processes, including Twitter.

How to Use SMSBower

  1. Visit SMSBower: Go to the SMSBower website.
  2. Select a Number: Choose a temporary number from the list available.
  3. Enter the Number on Twitter: Use the selected number during Twitter verification.
  4. Receive the Code: Check SMSBower for the verification code and enter it on Twitter.

SMSBower is known for its reliability and a wide range of numbers from different countries, making it a strong option for bypassing phone verification.

Preventing Future Verification Issues

To minimize the chances of facing phone verification issues again, consider the following preventive measures:

1. Regularly Update Your Contact Information

Keep your Twitter account information up-to-date. Regularly check and update your contact details to ensure that you have access to them when needed.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your account. Even if you bypass phone verification, enabling 2FA through email or an authentication app can help keep your account secure.

3. Avoid Suspicious Activities

Engage in responsible use of Twitter to avoid triggering security checks. Avoid activities that might be flagged as suspicious, such as following and unfollowing large numbers of accounts in a short period, spamming tweets, or using automated tools excessively.

4. Use Strong Passwords

Ensure your Twitter account is protected with a strong, unique password. A secure password can prevent unauthorized access and reduce the likelihood of triggering phone verification.

5. Be Aware of Twitter’s Policies

Familiarize yourself with Twitter’s policies and guidelines. Adhering to these policies can help you avoid actions that might lead to account restrictions and verification requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it Safe to Use Temporary Phone Numbers?

Temporary phone numbers can be safe for short-term use, but they are not recommended for long-term account security. They can be blocked by Twitter, and your account might face issues in the future.

2. Can I Use the Same Temporary Number for Multiple Accounts?

It’s generally not recommended to use the same temporary number for multiple accounts. Twitter may flag such numbers, resulting in verification issues for all associated accounts.

3. What Should I Do if My Account Gets Locked?

If your account gets locked due to verification issues, try the alternative methods mentioned above to regain access. If all else fails, contacting Twitter support is the best course of action.

4. Are VoIP Numbers More Reliable Than Temporary Numbers?

Yes, VoIP numbers are generally more reliable than temporary numbers. They are less likely to be flagged by Twitter, making them a better option for bypassing phone verification.

5. Can I Remove My Phone Number After Verification?

Yes, you can remove your phone number after verification. However, this might increase the likelihood of future verification prompts. It’s recommended to keep a valid contact method on your account for security purposes.


Bypassing Twitter phone verification is possible with the right methods and tools. Whether you choose to use temporary numbers, Google Voice, online SMS services, or SMSBower, each option has its benefits and drawbacks. Always prioritize your account security and stay informed about Twitter’s policies to avoid future verification issues. With these strategies in hand, you can navigate the verification process smoothly and continue enjoying your Twitter experience without unnecessary interruptions.

