Test-With-Expect: A BDD-style Go naming pattern

Sindre Myren
Makes Sense
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2020

In the full article published on the dev.to platform, I explore how we can write GWT-inspired tests in Go without a DSL or test-framework. It’s rather long, so here is a short summary for the inpatient reader.

Did you know that you could write GWT-style (Given-When-Then) tests in Go without a DSL like the ones offered by Gonvey or Ginko?

GWT-Style tests

All you need to do, is to use Go subtests:

GWT-style tests relying on Go subtests (t.Run) and using searis/subtest as a matcher.

In Searis, we have been doing this for a while. There is one very noticable problem though; it generate long and unreadable test names.


Maybe we could use a different wording and simpler language to make the test-names more precise and easier to scan?

TWE-Style tests

In the orginal article, we ended up with the wording Test-With-Expect, or TWE for short:

- Test: Type or function to test (subject).
- With: Configuration or input that are some-how passed to subject (configuration)
- Expect: What to expect afterwards (check).

By applying different wording and enforcing a simpler language, the code ends up sligthly shorter.

And the test names end up significantly shorter:


Short names are an important idiom in Go, and test-names are also names.

Summing it up

That’s all. Be sure to read the full article if you are interested in some more motivation and reasoning around the pattern.



Sindre Myren
Makes Sense

Backend developer at Searis AS, and occasional tech blogger.