UI/UX Design Case Study: Creating a Lite Mode Feature on the Line App to Improve User Experience

Safa Nadlia Fauziah
6 min readJun 15, 2023


Hello everyone😊 Here I want to share my journey in solving problems in LINE applications with a design. This case study is my final project for the Zenius Certified Independent Study Program with Kampus Merdeka.


LINE is a popular communication platform in Asia. It provides various features for communicating with friends, family, and coworkers, as well as offering a variety of other services.

In the past, almost everyone used LINE, but in fact, based on the data, more people use WhatsApp than LINE. Whatsapp has the upper hand in terms of the number of active users and is quite far ahead of LINE.

World’s Favourite Social Media Platforms January 2022 DataReportal

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the core problem of why this happens and how to solve it.

Roles & Responsibilities

The process of creating UI/UX design was done by a team of 5 members including me from user research to user testing.

The specific tasks that I did on this project were analyzing the results of research, creating system designs, mockups, prototypes, role as a moderator during user testing.

  • Roles: UI/UX Designer
  • Timeline: 15 days
  • Tools for Design: Figma
  • Tools for Usability Testing: Maze and Zoom

Planning The Research

In order to dig deeper into the existing problems and find a solution, my team and I conducted a research with 5 participants using the Qualitative research method — In Depth Interview. Before conducting the research, of course, we made a research plan as shown below.

Research Objectives

  • find out the reasons why the number of active users of the LINE application is decreasing
  • knowing why whatsapp is superior to LINE
  • Understand user needs when using the LINE application

Target participants

  • Have been an active user of LINE
  • At least 13 years old
  • Have used line and whatsapp apps

Finding from the research

  • The reason why they do not use LINE anymore is because of factors from the surrounding environment that use Whatsapp more, the application is heavy and many features are not important.
  • The majority of respondents felt that the LINE app had too many features that made them unusable.
  • Some respondents said the UI was dizzying and confusing.

How can we make users feel comfortable using Line and not be distracted by features that they don’t think are important?


We decided to make the Line look simpler and remove features that are rarely used by users without losing the characteristics of the line itself.

This can be achieved by creating a lite mode feature in the line application. The advantages of this feature are:

  • Can lighten the LINE application when using lite mode
  • Users can still access features that were previously removed in lite mode by pressing the switch and lite mode by pressing the switch button and the user can return to basic mode.

User Flow

After knowing the right solution to solve the problem, we imagine how the steps that must be passed by the user when going to use the features we create. the steps are described in User Flow.

Information architecture

Information architecture is useful for understanding the content of each page. It helps in creating clear and structured pages.


next after creating the IA we create a wireframe to illustrate how the design will be made later. this wireframe is still low fidelity by drawing on paper to make it more efficient.

Design System

To facilitate the design stage later, we created a design system using the Figma application.


The following is the result of the mockup that has been made. This mockup is adjusted to the user flow.


After the mockup is complete, we create a prototype to test. This prototype is important so that users can try and feel firsthand how the temporary design results have been made.

Click the link below to try the prototype


Usability Testing (UT)

We conduct usability testing to test the prototype that has been made, testing is aimed at two changes that we make, namely simplifying the UI and adding line lite features. After testing, we asked questions related to user experience in usability testing using the single ease question matrix through the maze application.

After the user finishes Usability Testing, we calculate the score results using Maze and get SEQ Score 5.4.

Here are the opinions of the testers

Tester 1

“The design is already quite attractive to me.”

Tester 2

“The appearance is more user friendly and the parts work well”

Tester 3

“The appearance is quite simple compared to the usual line, it is easier to understand also for each feature”

Tester 4

“switching line basic mode to lite mode is very easy to do, but I think it’s better to keep the setting in the settings menu. For the appearance of lite mode, it is very easy to understand and more comfortable to use for me who is new to using it. “

Tester 5

“The experience I got with the line lite mode shown just now seems like there is not too much significant difference compared to line basic.”

screenshots of opinions from testers

Conclusion of UT results

The majority of users can easily use this feature and they are quite satisfied. The majority of them also think that the design solution offered is enough to answer the existing problems.


This is the result of our case study project. My team and I hope that our ideas can be useful.

Through this final project, I learned a lot about UI/UX design. From critical thinking, working together in a team, and most importantly, how to solve problems in a digital product through design.

Thank you for reading until the end✨ If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn and Instagram.

