Dail. is the guiding force behind SNAILS, a community dedicated to NFTs within the Cosmos Ecosystem. As a creator cooperative, we prioritize community education and contribution. This Discord bot, Dail., recognizes specific commands and phrases to provide links to educational content on OmniFlix. Welcoming Dail. into your server is a simple way to assist newcomers as they navigate their entry into the Cosmos.
Inviting Dail.
Inviting Dail. to your server is straightforward:
- Click on this link: Invite Dail. to Your Server.
- Choose the server where you want Dail. to join.
- Authorize the required permissions.
That’s it! Dail. will now be a part of your community, ready to lend a helping hand whenever needed.
Dail. promptly responds to specific phrases, automating responses to common questions. To facilitate manual triggers, each topic of the video is preceded by a $ sign. Here’s a list of commands:
- Cosmos Ecosystem Staking Platforms
— where do Istake
— staking platforms
— $staking
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/657ccb6bd661a858ffc70aed - Leap Snaps on MetaMask
— can I use MetaMask
— $leapsnaps
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/657ccf58d661a858ffc71434 - Squid Router
— How do I bridge
— $squidrouter
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/657ccf08d661a858ffc712bb - Claiming Creds
— How do I claim my creds
— $claimcreds
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/65c3cbc0c65a434875481c75 - Secret Network Overview
— $secretnetwork
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/65b65696c65a434875168589 - Uploading files to Jackal
— $jackalstorage
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/65affbbeb79d23e989a67385 - Creating Telegram Sticker Packs
— $telegramstickers
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/65860b86d661a858ffdc8e96 - Shade Protocol Overview
— What is Shade
— $shade
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/65a7d92a59f3c03dc394e3be - Meile DVPN
— what vpn
— $meile
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/657cd383d661a858ffc71dec - Stargaze: Creating a Standard Collection
—How do I mint on Stargaze
— $stargazemint
— https://medium.com/@snailsnft/stargaze-creating-a-standard-collection-c2acf6076f67 - Entering the Cosmos
— $enteringcosmos
— https://medium.com/@snailsnft/entering-the-cosmos-ecosystem-a70f1c5bf4a3 - Validator Selection
— Who do I stake with
— $validatorselection
— https://omniflix.tv/iv/65ce2e4ec65a434875669e3d
Simply type these commands prefixed with a $ sign, and Dail. will promptly provide the relevant information, empowering our community with valuable resources and insights.
In the dynamic landscape of NFTs and blockchain technology, SNAILS stands as a beacon of community-driven learning and collaboration, with Dail. serving as our trusted guide. By automating responses to common queries and providing seamless access to educational resources, Dail. embodies our commitment to empowering members of all levels within the Cosmos Ecosystem. Together, we invite you to join our vibrant community, where creativity thrives, knowledge is shared, and opportunities abound. With Dail. leading the way, let’s embark on a journey of exploration and innovation, shaping the future of NFTs and blockchain technology together.