What Are the Possible Concerns for Google Based on OpenAI’s Chatgpt Available on Bing?

Anand Kumar R
5 min readFeb 10, 2023


Photo by johnhain on Pixabay

Google is the most used search engine globally, but with OpenAI’s Chatgpt now available on Bing, Google is facing potential new competition. Chatgpt is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot capable of understanding and responding to natural language conversations. OpenAI, the company behind the chatbot, is a research lab dedicated to exploring the potential of AI. While Chatgpt presents a unique opportunity for Bing, it could also seriously threaten Google’s search engine dominance. Google must now consider the possible concerns arising from the introduction of Chatgpt, such as the potential for increased competition and the risk of users switching to Bing for their search needs. Furthermore, OpenAI’s progress in developing AI technology could enable Bing to offer more advanced features and services than Google, making it an even more attractive option for users. With these potential threats looming, it is clear that Google must take appropriate action to maintain its search engine supremacy.

Potential Concerns for Google

As OpenAI’s Chatgpt is now available on Bing, it could seriously threaten Google’s search engine supremacy. Chatgpt is an AI chatbot capable of understanding and responding to natural language conversations. This unique chatbot is an excellent example of how AI technology can improve online conversations. Chatgpt presents a new and exciting opportunity for Bing, but, at the same time, it could also pose severe threats to Google’s search engine dominance. Firstly, OpenAI’s AI technology could raise Bing’s search relevance. As Chatgpt learns more about human interactions and more effectively uses natural language, Bing could become a more relevant search engine by incorporating AI technology into its search engine. However, OpenAI’s research could also cause users to be wary of AI technologies that are not open-source AI, potentially leading to a shift in users from Google to Bing and posing a challenge to Google’s search engine dominance.

1. Increased Competition

The introduction of Chatgpt to Bing could also result in users switching to Bing as their default search engine. While Chatgpt is currently only available on Bing, the Microsoft Edge browser’s deep integration with Bing as their default browser will be appealing to many folks. On top of this, if Microsoft takes on new partnership deals with browsers to offer Bing as the default search engine option, it could increase the number of users switching to Bing. Bing users who choose Google as their default search engine are more likely to switch to Bing for a hyper-personalised online experience, such as navigation and shopping.

2. OpenAI’s Progress in Developing AI Technology

OpenAI’s Chatgpt presents an essential opportunity for Bing but could also pose significant threats to Google’s search engine dominance. With the introduction of Chatgpt to Bing, Bing users can now access chatbot technology that could raise the search relevance of Bing. In 2023, AI research observers are eagerly anticipating the release of GPT4. Some AI observers predict that the next version of GPT will have 100 trillion parameters, about 500 times the size of GPT-3. This would allow for more accurate, detailed responses. With the integration of OpenAI’s Chatgpt into Bing and the anticipation of the release of GPT4, the impact of this AI technology on Bing’s market share remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure, OpenAI’s progress in developing AI technology is poised to have a significant impact on the search engine landscape.

3. More Advanced Features & Services Offered by Bing

The introduction of AI technology to Bing could also have a positive impact on the product offerings of the Bing search engine. Bing could now offer more advanced features and services than Google, such as faster search engine results and an improved user experience. With the integration of AI technology into Bing’s search engine, Bing has the potential to offer a more advanced and enhanced user experience compared to Google. Some examples of these advanced features and services could include:

  1. Faster search engine results: AI technology can help Bing provide users with quicker search results, making it a more efficient option for users who are in need of quick answers.
  2. Improved user experience: AI technology can help Bing personalise and optimise the search experience for each user, making it more relevant and user-friendly. This could be achieved through personalising search results based on the user’s search history and preferences or providing more accurate and relevant results based on the user’s location and search context.
  3. Advanced natural language processing: With AI technology, Bing could offer advanced natural language processing capabilities, allowing for more accurate and sophisticated responses to user inquiries. This could be particularly beneficial for users searching for information that requires a detailed response or for users who are using conversational search.
  4. Voice search integration: Bing could also offer voice search capabilities that use AI technology, making it easier for users to search for information without typing out their enquiries.

These advanced features and services would likely make Bing a more attractive option for users searching for information and could help Bing to compete with Google in the search engine market.

Appropriate Action for Google to Maintain Search Engine Supremacy

To maintain its search engine supremacy, Google’s actions likely involve improving its AI technology and product offerings. This could include investing in AI research to develop new and advanced features and services for its users. Though Bard is going to be Google’s answer, initial sentiments haven't been positive and Google seems to be behind the curve on this. Google could also focus on improving the user experience by offering faster search engine results and making the search process more intuitive and efficient. Additionally, Google could look at ways to increase trust in AI technologies by addressing concerns about the risks posed by open-source AI. This could involve partnering with trusted AI research organisations, publishing transparency reports, and investing in education and awareness programs. The goal would be to demonstrate the value and safety of AI technology and address any concerns or misconceptions preventing users from fully embracing their AI technology and offerings.



Anand Kumar R

A tech professional with 10+ years of experience. Avid sports fan, science enthusiast understanding the details, and a traveler at heart w/ sprinkles of humour