Little Changes That’ll Make a Big Difference With Your Pretzel Recipe

5 min readJun 1, 2023

Soft Pretzels and Pretzel Sticks are my favourite snacks, hands down. But making them at home can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’ve had my fair share of soggy, undercooked, or burnt pretzels in the past. I’m sure you have too! Luckily, there are just a few tweaks that’ll make all the difference between a subpar homemade pretzel recipe full of crispy-on-the-outside with soft-in-the-middle perfection.

India’s First Affordable Pretzel Brand — Pretsnak

Pretsnak, an authentic brand of pretzel in India. It aims to set a standard for ready-to-eat savoury snacks by making unique, wholesome, and nutritious snacks for the Indian palate.

Our pretzel crisps and things are a modern spin on a European savoury snack, with just the right amount of crispy, a crunchy pleasure to match any beverage. Baked, vegan, dippable, and healthful.

Indian gourmet grocery stores sell both sorts of pretzel in India with a variety of delicious flavours.

  • Italian Herb & Cheese
  • Olive & Thyme
  • Sour Cream & Onion
  • Cheese
  • Vinegar and Salt
  • Sweet Chilli Peri Peri

Unlock the Secret to Pretzel Perfection with These Tiny Tweaks

Making pretzels at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, sometimes it can be frustrating when your pretzels don’t turn out as you had hoped. In this post, we will explore some little changes that can make a big difference in your pretzel recipe.

Use the Right Flour

Bread flour has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour, which can help create a chewier and more authentic pretzel texture. If you don’t have bread flour on hand, you can also add vital wheat gluten to your all-purpose flour to achieve a similar effect. The first step to making a better pretzel is using the right flour. Bread flour has a higher protein content than all-purpose, which means it can better support the structure of your dough. This makes for chewier pretzels — but if you want something softer and more tender, go with all-purpose.

Boil longer

Boiling the pretzels in water with baking soda helps create the classic brown and shiny pretzel exterior. The baking soda also helps give the pretzels a unique flavour. Make sure to use a large pot and plenty of water to ensure that your pretzels have enough room to expand. The boiling time depends on the size of your pretzels. If you’re making large ones, boil them for five minutes; if they’re small, give them four. It’s important not to let them get too brown — they should be golden brown when done.

Bake longer

Giving your pretzel dough more time to rise can help create a lighter and fluffier texture. You can also try using a pre-ferment, such as a sourdough starter or poolish, to add more flavour and complexity to your pretzels.

If you’re not baking your pretzels long enough, they’ll come out pale and dull. It’s important to bake them until they’re a deep golden brown. Likewise, the dough inside is cooked through and won’t taste raw or doughy when you bite into it.

If you’re using a nonstick pan (and most people do), it can be helpful to give the pan an extra minute or two of preheating time so that it heats up further before putting in your first batch of pretzels. This will give them more time to get crispy on all sides without burning them before they are ready inside!

Another option is using a baking stone as opposed to just placing them directly on top of your stove top burner; this will ensure even heating throughout each piece while also giving off enough heat so that all sides cook evenly at once — which means no burnt bottoms!

Brush the Pretzels with Egg Wash Before Baking.

Brushing the pretzels with egg wash before baking can help create a shiny and golden brown exterior. You can also sprinkle coarse salt or other toppings on top of the egg wash for added flavour and texture.

Make Sure Your Water is Hot Enough.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your water is hot enough. You want to bring it up to at least 180 degrees, though boiling is even better. This will kill any bacteria that might be in there and help the pretzels rise better when they’re baking.

Don’t Forget to Add Baking Soda!

You’ll need to add baking soda to the water. Baking soda is one of the most important ingredients in making pretzels, as it helps to make them soft and chewy. Baking soda is also a leavening agent. It helps dough rise by creating carbon dioxide bubbles that get trapped in your dough while baking it.

Making your Homemade Soft Pretzels is Easy and Delicious!

  • First, you’ll need to gather your ingredients.
  • The most important ingredient in any good soft pretzel recipe is baking soda.
  • It’s also essential that you have some flour, salt, and water on hand; as well as an egg wash or melted butter (if desired). If you don’t have a mixer yet, now is the time to buy one so that you can knead all of these delicious ingredients together into a smooth dough before letting it rise for at least an hour in the oven set at 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120 Celsius).
  • After rising comes baking. Just 15 minutes will do the trick! Finally comes eating — though if we were being honest here our favourite part of making pretzels has always been eating them afterwards with some mustard or cheese sauce.

Making small changes to your pretzel recipe can make a big difference in the final product. By using bread flour, boiling the pretzels in water with baking soda, letting the dough rise for longer, and brushing the pretzels with egg wash, you can create pretzels that are chewy, flavorful, and visually appealing. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things to find the perfect pretzel recipe for you.

Lastly, Why are Pretzels Versatile?

To put it simply, it is a perfect snack that can be:

  • Enjoyed with dips and sauces
  • Sweet or savoury
  • Made in different sizes
  • Comes up with various toppings
  • Long shelf life
  • Frozen for later consumption
  • Made with different types of flour
  • Customized to personal preferences
  • A fun activity to make with family and friends
  • Popular party food or snack

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post! If you want to learn more about making pretzels at home, check out our other posts on the topic. We have recipes for soft pretzels with different flavours (like cinnamon sugar and honey mustard), as well as instructions on how to shape them into knots or twists.




Pretsnak is the leading company which manufactures pretzels in india & supplies soft pretzels in more 10 diffferent flavours.Website: