Why you’re not getting the client bookings you want

4 min readMay 20, 2017


The world we live in is changing, and fast.

Just like your lenses and camera bodies, the world is constantly growing and evolving. The impossible is becoming possible and the way you share your images should change with the times.

It’s not to say that there is a right and wrong way to share your images but you need to understand and respect the client. Be aware of where they are, what platforms they use, and how they consume their media.

you need to make changes to the way you do business

I hear so many photographers complain about how hard it is to get clients, how hard and saturated the market is and how difficult it is to make a difference.

The fact is that in order to make a difference, to get those clients, to grow your business you need to make changes to the way you do business.

First of all, you need to understand your market, your client, and the competition.

The fact is that all photographers are working on a level playing field. By this, I mean all photographers are competing with time. Most if not all photographers are taking too long to get their images out there to their clients.

You have to keep up with the market that is changing in front of your very eyes

The ironic thing is that your main competitor is time not other photographers. Once a client signs with you, this is when the competition starts, you need to impress, you need to shine.

You need to stop taking weeks and sometimes months to show the client your images. You have to keep up with the market that is changing in front of your very own eyes.

If you don’t embrace this challenge then other photographers will and guess what, you will be left behind in the dust.

You need to understand that every client wants digital. Let me say it again. EVERY client wants some sort of digital asset. Some clients won’t even book you if you don’t offer digital images. It’s that serious.

They have to have it, they must have it.

They’re sharing, they’re tweeting, instagramming, whatever they want. Meanwhile some photographers are worrying about their images. You need to live in today and not in the past. You have to satisfy their thirst for digital images.

Clients will be amazed that they can see their event visually come to life

You have to embrace the sharing culture to stay in the game and competitive.

Add value for the clients in a cost effective way. Give so much value back that they can’t help but recommend you to their friends and family. I understand it, everything has a cost but some things are more value for money than others. There are products and solutions out there that are worth the investment.

One of those products is Snapit.

Snapit allows you to defeat the problem of time. With Snapit you can now easily share your images in the moment. Clients will be amazed that they can see their event visually come to life. Imagine taking and sharing a beautiful shot of the bride and her mother in an emotional and intimate moment seconds after the special embrace.

Imagine sharing a timeless black and white image of the father of groom embracing his son before his wedding.

Amazing right?

You can’t deny that most if not all your clients have smartphones

Snapit is a tried and trusted innovative service that allows you to give so much value back to your client. It doesn’t have to be something you charge your client for. It could be something you give away for free or give as a nice surprise for your clients. Maybe, you build it into a package that clients would die for, that other photographers can’t offer.

Imagine being able to surprise your clients with their fun and amazing images during the event. Imagine being able to make the whole event interactive. You can’t deny that most if not all your clients have smartphones. Why not share your images direct to their phones?

At the end of the day clients love and are gonna respond to having those images on their phones. Think about this, how much more business will you be able to generate because your clients are not logging into facebook to find your page, they’re not taking pictures of your images. They’re getting your images straight onto their phones and sharing them with their friends and families.

Everyone will see your images.

You’ve got to embrace this technology. And best of all it’s simple and easy to use.

Why not take a FREE trial, have a look a look at the Snapit video HERE




We write and share articles about photography marketing. We also have an amazing service that helps photographers grow their business and book more clients.