Setup Solana Development Environment on Windows

Sancar Yildirim
2 min readMay 19, 2021


Setup Solana Development Environment on Windows

Before We Start

Before we setup Solana Development Environment on Windows, you need to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which you can get more information from there. Then you can easily install WSL in few steps with the help of this story which I have published earlier. After that you just need to install Ubuntu on Windows. If you followed these steps, there are remaining few easy steps to setup Solana Development Environment on Windows.

Let’s Start

Open Ubuntu from Start Menu:

Ubuntu WSL Terminal

1. Update the Package Information

Update the package information using this command:

sudo apt update

The system will ask you to enter sudo password that we configured before when installing ubuntu.

Sample Command Output

2. Install Node JS

Install Node JS using this command:

sudo apt install nodejs

3. Install Npm

Install Npm using this command:

sudo apt install npm

4. Install Rust

Install Rust using this command:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

5. Install Solana

Install Solna using this commands:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

You can replace v1.6.8 with the release tag matching the software version of your desired release, or use one of the three symbolic channel names: stable, beta, or edge.

You can check whether the installation is correct or not with this command:

solana --version
Successful Installation Control

6. Install Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code (VS Code) from the official website. After install VS Code I recommend these two Rust extensions to make developing rust more comfortable.

Useful Rust VS Code Extensions

That’s it :)

Now we are ready to develop some Solana Programs on our Windows machines. If you are ready lets develop our first Solana Program.

