Background Music: An Integral Part of our Daily Lives

Sneha Biswal
4 min readFeb 6, 2024


Background Music Market

From elevators and shopping malls to restaurants and cafes, music plays subtly in the background, creating ambience and affecting our moods and behaviors. Background music has become ubiquitous in modern society and plays an important supportive role in many environments and situations.

History and Rise of Background Music

The use of background music can be traced back centuries to places like diners, dance halls and other public spaces where light or soothing music was played to enhance the experience. However, it was in the 20th century that background music truly took off with new technological developments. The rise of recorded music and availability of compact formats like LPs, cassettes and eventually CDs made it possible to play music easily without a live performance. In the post-World War 2 era, Muzak was a pioneering company that developed specialized background music programming and played it over telephone lines in offices, stores and other commercial spaces. As audio systems became more advanced and affordable, background music spread widely throughout the service industry and public areas.

Psychological Impact on Customers and Employees

Extensive research has shown that background music has noticeable psychological effects on both customers and employees in retail and service environments. Pleasant, well-chosen instrumental music can reduce stress and induce relaxation while speeding up shopping times. Customers tend to linger longer and spend more money in stores that play appropriate background music. For employees too, suitable music has a positive impact on mood, engages workers and boosts productivity by up to 15%. Playlists are carefully curated to match the pace and flow of work without being too loud or distracting. The right choice of background music creates a happier work environment and improves job satisfaction.

Effects in Restaurants, Cafes and Bars

Whether it’s a fine dining restaurant or a casual cafe, background music plays a key role in setting the right ambience. Most establishments understand the value of curating playlists customized for the type of cuisine, decor and customer demographic. Mellow, easy listening instrumentals work well for casual dining while louder, rhythmic tracks suit lively bars and clubs. Studies show food tastes better when enjoyed with subtle music in the background. Restaurants and cafes credit music for boosting sales by up to 30% and keeping customers engaged for longer durations. Music also masks ambient kitchen noises to enhance the overall dining experience.

Uses in Travel, Retail and Health Care

Airports, malls, stores, gyms, spas and medical facilities are some other places that rely heavily on Background Music to modulate mood and influence behavior.carefully The well-paced, calming tracks played at airports help reduce stress and provide a soothing ambience for busy travelers. Music encourages customers to browse leisurely and makes shopping an enjoyable experience. Similarly, gyms and spas use music therapeutically to get clients in a relaxed, meditative state of mind. Even hospitals have begun piping in calming music into waiting areas, wards and operating rooms to alleviate anxiety and speed up recovery. Certain genres and tempos are shown to reduce blood pressure, heart rate and pain perception. Carefully programmed background music enhances customer and patient well-being in these environments.

Impact in Offices, Hotels and More

From corporate boardrooms to hotel lobbies, even workplace environments leverage background music judiciously to boost productivity and service quality. Studies show that suitable background scores increase office workers’ concentration byblocking out distracting noises. Playlists are tailored depending on the type of jobs and tasks to maintain optimal focus without being too overstimulating. Hotels play uplifting but unobtrusive music in common areas to create a pleasant ambience for guests. Schools too are experimenting with background classical pieces to help students focus better during activities and enhance overall learning experiences. Public areas like libraries, banks etc also curate subtle playlists matched to their specific needs.

Choosing the Right Music

With background music everywhere, choosing appropriate playlists tailored for different spaces is crucial.Aspects like clientele demographics, location ambience, and time of day must be considered.Mood, tempo, volume and genre are key factors. Instrumental scores often work best as vocals can be distracting. Music services provide specialized zoning capabilities to play different tunes based on customer traffic or time of the shift. Proper testing and feedback ensure continuous refinement. With the right selection process, background music adds immense value across industries without going unnoticed. It has truly become an invisible yet integral part of our everyday experiences.

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